Friday, June 3: CABOTS IOP1
Day 6 of CABOTS IOP 1 observations. TOPAZ data were taken from 10:18 - 20:18 PDT. Hot (40 C), moderately hazy, a few high clouds and contrails. The boundary layer (BL) rose from 400 m to about 1000 m AGL. BL ozone increased from 60 ppbv into the 80-95 ppbv range. From midday thru the early evening BL ozone decreased and increased several times and peaked around 14:00 PDT. A polluted residual layer was observed until 15:00 PDT. A layer of slightly enhanced ozone and aerosol was observed above 2000 m AGL. A clean layer between 1500 and 2000 m AGL descended down to 1200 m AGL throughout the afternoon. The AJAX Alpha Jet flew a spiral above Visalia Airport between about 17:30 and 17:45 PDT, descending from 18000 ft and finishing the spiral with two low approaches over Visalia Airport. The TOPAZ lidar observations also overlapped with the midday and early evening missed approaches at Visalia Airport by the Scientific Aviation Mooney aircraft.