Saturday, July 30: CABOTS IOP2
Day 13 of CABOTS IOP 2 observations. TOPAZ data were taken from 10:57 to 20:09 PDT. Very hot again with yet another offical high of 41C (106F) at the airport met tower. Mostly cloud-free overhead all day. Slightly less hazy with the Sierra foothills barely visible. The Visalia-Church St. monitor recorded <10 ppbv of ug/m3 all day. Typical surface wind pattern with south-southeasterly surface winds in the morning, veering to the west-northwest and becoming weaker in the afternoon. Once again, the CBL remained very shallow (about 600 m), with westerly flow up to about 1.5 km. The TOPAZ measurements showed two broad ozone maxima in the CBL that peaked around 1345 and 1615 PDT and found two distinct layers of high ozone/aerosol (smoke) near 1.5 and 2 km. These layers changed relatively little over the course of the day. The surface ozone showed two corresponding peaks of about 70-75 ppbv. Winds shifted to the north-northwest after 1800 PDT bringing more aerosol (and a little more ozone) to the Visalia area.