Wednesday, May 24
TOPAZ data were taken from 07:45 - 03:53 PDT the next day. Hot temperatures with a high around 39 C, light winds until midday, followed by a sharp increase in wind speeds to about 15 m/s. An ozone layer aloft (70 - 80 ppbv, 500 m - 4 km AGL) was entrained into the growing BL around 11:00 PDT, resulting in a sharp increase in surface ozone to just above 70 ppbv. However, this increase was short-lived as the high winds in the afternoon diluted ozone concentrations. Surface and BL ozone stayed in the mid 60s ppbv throughout most of the day. A secondary ozone maximum of approx. 70 ppbv was observed around midnight. High ozone concentrations up to about 100 ppbv were measured above 6.5 km AGL.