Friday, June 2
TOPAZ data were recorded from 7:02 - 23:10 PDT. First day of a long warming trend (36.5 C max) with high pressure building from the west. Light winds throughout the day. Isolated Cu clouds over the nearby mountain ranges, otherwise clear. The mixed layer was suppressed by a strong 1.2 m deep inversion during the morning, but eventually reached about 3 km around 1500 PDT. The growing ML entrained the RL around noon, and entrained the lowest (3-3.5 km agl) of two elevated ozone layers from yesterday's intrusion around 1500 PDT. The aerosol measurements suggest that some of the higher layer may also have been mixed with Asian pollution or fire plumes. A pronounced tongue of ozone subsided after the ML collapsed and nearly reached the surface in the late evening. Surface ozone hovered around 70 ppbv at NLVA throughout the afternoon and reached a maximum of nearly 80 ppbv at Angel Peak around 1900 PDT. The Walter Johnson monitor reached an hourly maximum of 74 ppbv and an MDA8 of 68 ppbv.