Saturday, June 17
TOPAZ data were recorded from 08:50 - 18:50 PDT. Very hot (max. of 44 C). Clear conditions, except for a few Cirrus clouds to the north in the afternoon. Generally light winds that followed the diurnal flow pattern. Wind speeds increased to 5 - 10 m/s in the afternoon and early evening. The mixed layer stayed shallow through 1200 PDT and then grew to about 3000 m agl by 1500 PDT. Surface ozone quickly increased to 95 ppbv by midday. The growing mixed layer entrained cleaner air from aloft, which caused surface ozone to drop in a series of steps down to the mid 60s ppbv by 1600 PDT. Despite this afternoon decrease, MDA8 ozone at three monitoring sites in the Las Vegas Valley exceeded the 70 ppbv standard.