Point of Contact: McDonald, Brian E-mail: brian.mcdonald@noaa.gov Phone: (303) 497-5094 NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory (CSL), Boulder, CO -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emissions estimates here are generally provided in netCDF format and projected on the standard NEI continental US model grid. Emissions estimates for all reported species are in metric tons/hr, except for individual VOC species (those with names formatted as HC##) which are provided in moles/hr. Files are separated representative days of weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays for each month. Emissions for a given day are provided as two separate 12-hour files in UTC time. The exception to this is the biogenic emissions, which are provided at the same 4km x 4km resolution but for a domain centered over California and Nevada. Biogenic emissions are also provided specific to each hour during the study time period and have different units and species names, listed in the variable attributes in the files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Descriptions of the component files are listed below: Fuel-Based Inventory of Vehicle Emissions (FIVE): Onroad_1.3km_DslExh_2021_Month08.zip - on-road emissions from diesel combustion/exhaust (1.3km LA domain) Onroad_1.3km_GasEvap_2021_Month08.zip - on-road emissions from evaporation of gasoline Onroad_1.3km_GasExh_2021_Month08.zip - on-road emissions from gasoline combustion/exhaust Onroad_DslExh_2021_Month08.zip - on-road emissions from diesel combustion/exhaust Onroad_GasEvap_2021_Month08.zip - on-road emissions from evaporation of gasoline Onroad_GasExh_2021_Month08.zip - on-road emissions from gasoline combustion/exhaust offroad_gas_marGASnomonthly_marGASnoDOW_2021_Month08.zip - non-road emissions from gasoline combustion offroad_dsl_2021_Month08.zip - non-road emissions from diesel combustion Fuel-based Oil and Gas Inventory (FOG): FOG_2021_Month08.zip - Gridded area source Oil and Gas production and drilling emissions Volatile Chemical Product (VCP) Emissions: AreaVCP_AgPesticides_2021_Month08.zip - Area source VCP emissions from agricultural pesticides AreaVCP_Cleaning_2021_Month08.zip - Area source VCP emissions from cleaning AreaVCP_ConsAdhesives_2021_Month08.zip - Area source VCP emissions from consumer adhesives AreaVCP_ConsCoatings_2021_Month08.zip - Area source VCP emissions from consumer adhesives AreaVCP_ConsPesticides_2021_Month08.zip - Area source VCP emissions from consumer pesticides AreaVCP_IndAdhesives_2021_Month08.zip - Area source VCP emissions from industrial adhesives AreaVCP_IndCoatings_2021_Month08.zip - Area source VCP emissions from industrial coatings AreaVCP_Inks_2021_Month08.zip - Area source VCP emissions from inks AreaVCP_Other_2021_Month08.zip - Area source VCP emissions for species other than VOC AreaVCP_Personal_2021_Month08.zip - Area source VCP emissions for personal care products PtVCPgridded_Adhesives_2021_Month08.zip - point source VCP emissions for adhesives, gridded onto the same grid as area sources PtVCPgridded_Coatings_2021_Month08.zip - point source VCP emissions for coatings, gridded onto the same grid as area sources PtVCPgridded_Degreasing_2021_Month08.zip - point source VCP emissions for degreasing, gridded onto the same grid as area sources PtVCPgridded_Inks_2021_Month08.zip - point source VCP emissions for inks, gridded onto the same grid as area sources Biogenic Emissions: 2021_biogenic_emissions_updated20231013.zip - BEIS v3.14 emissions on 4km California/Nevada grid Cooking Emissions: Cooking_LB_2021_Month08.zip - lower bound case cooking emissions Cooking_Mean_2021_Month08.zip - mean case cooking emissions CAMSv4.2_2021_Month08.zip - Canada and Mexico emissions, as well as shipping emissions throughout domain Area Source Emissions TotlArea_noOG_noVCP_2021_Month08.zip - emissions from all other anthropogenic area sources not otherwise listed Point Source Emissions TotlPoint_noVCPgridded_2021_Month08.zip - emissions from all other anthropogenic point sources not otherwise listed, gridded onto the same grid as area sources Mapping of hydrocarbon species in our inventory onto the SAPRC Mechanism are below: Bin SAPRC -------------- HC01 CH4 HC02 ALK1 HC03 ALK2 HC04 ALK3 HC05 ALK4 HC06 ALK5 HC07 ETHENE HC08 OLE1 HC09 OLE2 HC10 ISOPRENE HC11 TRP1 HC12 ARO1 HC13 ARO2 HC14 HCHO HC15 CCHO HC16 RCHO HC17 BALD HC18 ACET HC19 MEK HC20 PROD2 HC21 MEOH HC22 GLY HC23 MGLY HC24 BACL HC25 PHEN HC26 CRES HC27 METHACRO HC28 MVK HC29 ISOPROD HC30 HCOOH HC31 CCO_OH HC32 RCO_OH HC33 XYLENEOLS HC34 CATECHOLS HC35 NVOL HC36 PROPYLENE HC37 ACETYLENE HC38 BENZENE HC39 BUTANES HC40 PENTANES HC41 TOLUENE HC42 M-XYLENE HC43 O-XYLENE HC44 P-XYLENE HC45 PROPANE HC46 DIENES HC47 STYRENES HC48 ETHANOL HC49 ETEG HC50 UCM Mapping of particulate species in our inventory onto the SAPRC Mechanism are below: Bin SAPRC -------------- PM01 PMFINE PM02 PSO4 PM03 PNO3 PM04 POC PM05 PEC PM06 PNCOM PM07 PNH4 PM08 PAL PM09 PCA PM10 PFE PM11 PH2O PM12 PMG PM13 PMOTHR PM14 PK PM15 PMN PM16 PCL PM17 PNA PM18 PTI PM19 PSI For more information see: 1. Zhu, Q., Schwantes, R. H., Coggon, M., Harkins, C., Schnell, J., He, J., Pye, H. O. T., Li, M., Baker, B., Moon, Z., Ahmadov, R., Pfannerstill, E. Y., Place, B., Wooldridge, P., Schulze, B. C., Arata, C., Bucholtz, A., Seinfeld, J. H., Warneke, C., Stockwell, C. E., Xu, L., Zuraski, K., Robinson, M. A., Neuman, J. A., Veres, P. R., Peischl, J., Brown, S. S., Goldstein, A. H., Cohen, R. C., and McDonald, B. C. (2024). A better representation of volatile organic compound chemistry in WRF-Chem and its impact on ozone over Los Angeles, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24, 5265-5286, DIO: 10.5194/acp-24-5265-2024 2. He J, Harkins C, O'Dell K, Li M, Francoeur C, Aikin K, Anenberg S, Baker B, Brown SS, Coggon MM, Frost GJ, Gilman JB, Kongdragunta S, Lamplugh A, Lyu C, Moon Z, Pierce B, Schwantes RH, Stockwell CE, Warneke C, Yang K, McDonald BC. (2024). COVID-19 perturbation on US air quality and human health impact assessment. PNAS Nexus. 3 (1). https://doi.org/10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad483 3. Francoeur, C. B.; McDonald, B. C.; Gilman, J. B.; Zarzana, K. J.; Dix, B.; Brown, S. S. (2021). Quantifying Methane and Ozone Precursor Emissions from Oil and Gas Production Regions across the Contiguous US. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 9129– 9139, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.0c07352 4. Harkins, C., McDonald, B. C., Henze, D. K., & Wiedinmyer, C. (2021). A fuel-based method for updating mobile source emissions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Environmental Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac0660 5. McDonald, B. C., McKeen, S. A., Cui, Y. Y., Ahmadov, R., Kim, S.-W., Frost, G. J., Pollack, I. B., Peischl, J., Ryerson, T. B., Holloway, J. S., Graus, M., Warneke, C., Gilman, J. B., de Gouw, J. A., Kaiser, J., Keutsch, F. N., Hanisco, T. F., Wolfe, G. M., & Trainer, M. (2018a). Modeling Ozone in the Eastern U.S. using a Fuel-Based Mobile Source Emissions Inventory. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(13), 7360–7370. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.8b00778 6. McDonald, B. C., de Gouw, J. A., Gilman, J. B., Jathar, S. H., Akherati, A., Cappa, C. D., Jimenez, J. L., Lee-Taylor, J., Hayes, P. L., McKeen, S. A., Cui, Y. Y., Kim, S.-W., Gentner, D. R., Isaacman-VanWertz, G., Goldstein, A. H., Harley, R. A., Frost, G. J., Roberts, J. M., Ryerson, T. B., & Trainer, M. (2018b). Volatile chemical products emerging as largest petrochemical source of urban organic emissions. Science, 359(6377), 760. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aaq0524