function MixedLayerDepth(Nz_in,zi_in,z_in,rho_in,thetav_in) result (mld_output) ! Touzé-Peiffer et al. (2022) mixed layer height algorithm ( ! ! Note that following Touzé-Peiffer et al., virtual potential temperature is based on water vapor mixing ! ratio r only, ignoring a contribution of liquid water: θυ = θ(1 + 0.61r). ! ! Modified: Jan Kazil (set z_min = 20, ! changed depth -> height in comments, expanded comments) ! Modified: Peter Blossey (changed to vector-valued function, ! second output is mixed-layer-average thetav), 25 Apr 2024 ! Modified: Peter Blossey (convert to function, handle non-zero ! surface altitude, integrate from z_min including partial ! levels, use interface altitudes as input), 14 Dec 2023 ! Author: 2023-07-26 15:09:13 -06:00 implicit none integer, intent(in) :: Nz_in real, intent(in) :: zi_in(Nz_in+1) ! interface heights, zi_in(1) is surface height real, intent(in) :: z_in(Nz_in+1) ! model level heights real, intent(in) :: rho_in(Nz_in), thetav_in(Nz_in) ! rho_in(1) is at height 0.5*SUM(zi_in(1:2)) real, dimension(2) :: mld_output ! holds mixed layer height in (1) and mixed layer mean thetav in (2). integer :: k, kb real :: z1, z2, f1, f2, weight_this_level, z_surface real :: integral(Nz_in), weight(Nz_in) real, parameter :: z_min = 20. !m real, parameter :: epsilon = 0.2 !K logical, parameter :: debug = .false. z_surface = zi_in(1) mld_output = 0. ! height above surface weight = 0. integral = 0. do k = 1,Nz_in if(zi_in(k+1) < z_surface + z_min) then cycle elseif(zi_in(k+1) > z_surface + z_min) then kb = MAX(1,k-1) ! accumulate integrals of rho*dz and rho*thetav*dz weight_this_level = rho_in(k)*(zi_in(k+1) - MAX(z_min,zi_in(k))) weight(k) = weight(kb) + weight_this_level integral(k) = integral(kb) + weight_this_level*thetav_in(k) if(debug) then write(*,922) k, weight(k), integral(k), integral(k)/weight(k) + epsilon, thetav_in(k) 922 format('k/wgt/integral/thresh/thetav = ',I5,2E10.2,2F8.2) end if ! check for top of mixed-layer if(thetav_in(k).ge. integral(k)/weight(k) + epsilon) then if(weight(kb).eq.0.) then ! should not happen... mld_output(1) = z_in(k) - z_surface ! Return vertically-averaged theta_v within mixed layer in element 2 mld_output(2) = integral(kb)/weight(kb) else ! interpolate between level k and k-1 to find height. z1 = z_in(k) ! level k z2 = z_in(kb) ! level k-1 f1 = thetav_in(k) - ( integral(k)/weight(k) + epsilon ) f2 = thetav_in(kb) - ( integral(kb)/weight(kb) + epsilon ) ! Return height in element 1 of mld_output mld_output(1) = z1 - f1*(z2-z1)/(f2-f1) - z_surface ! Add portion of grid cell below the Mixed Layer height to integral of theta_v ! -- assuming uniform value of theta_v within each grid cell. weight_this_level = rho_in(k)*(mld_output(1) - MAX(z_min,zi_in(k))) weight(k) = weight(kb) + weight_this_level integral(k) = integral(kb) + weight_this_level*thetav_in(k) ! Return vertically-averaged theta_v within mixed layer in element 2 mld_output(2) = integral(k)/weight(k) end if exit ! break out of loop, return function value end if end if end do if(debug) write(*,*) 'MLH = ', mld_output(1), ', ML-avg theta_v = ', mld_output(2) end function MixedLayerDepth