&PARAMETERS caseid ='day_000' LES = .true. OCEAN = .true. nrestart = 0 doscamiopdata = .true. iopfile = 'S12_CTL_Dec2010_MixedLayerInit.nc' dx = 50. dy = 50. dz = 10. dt = 1.0 ug = 0.0 vg = 0.0 doconstdz = .true. dosurface = .true. dosfclocal = .true. dosfchomo = .false. sfc_flx_fxd = .false. sfc_tau_fxd = .false. tabs_s = 290.96 day0 = 196.142361 doseasons = .false. longitude0 = -125.0 latitude0 = 35.0 fcor = 8.365e-5 docoriolis = .true. docoriolisz = .true. dofplane = .true. dosgs = .true. dodamping = .false. doupperbound = .true. nrad = 1 dolongwave = .true. doshortwave = .true. doradsimple = .false. doperpetual = .false. dosolarconstant = .false. zenith_angle = 52.7 solar_constant = 780.71 docloud = .true. doprecip = .true. doseawater = .true. dolargescale = .true. doradforcing = .false. dosfcforcing = .true. donudging_uv = .false. nudging_uv_z1 = 0.0 nudging_uv_z2 = 100000.0 tauls = 600.0 donudging_tq = .false. ! Original SAM nudging scheme donudging_t = .false. donudging_q = .false. tautqls = 3600.0 nudging_t_z1 = 1200.0 nudging_t_z2 = 100000.0 nudging_q_z1 = 1200.0 nudging_q_z2 = 100000.0 donudging_tauz_tq = .true. ! Blossey et al. (JAMES, 2013) nudging scheme donudging_tauz_t = .false. donudging_tauz_q = .false. tauz_tau = 3600.0 nudging_tauz_z1 = 1200.0 nudging_tauz_z2 = 1500.0 nxco2 = 1.0 doisccp = .true. domodis = .true. domisr = .true. nstop = 86400 nelapse = 86400 nprint = 300 nstat = 60 nstatfrq = 60 nrestart_skip = 14 doSAMconditionals = .false. dosatupdnconditionals = .false. nsave2D = 300 nsave2Dstart = 999999999 nsave2Dend = 999999999 save2Dbin = .true. save2Dsep = .true. save2Davg = .false. nsave3D = 300 nsave3Dstart = 0 nsave3Dend = 999999999 save3Dbin = .true. / &SAM_JAN max_wall_clock = 25200.0 moving_surface = .true. ! Moving surface mimics a constant geostrophic wind. U and V wind speed sounding/forcing will be set to zero. u_geo = 2.5 ! Constant geostrophic wind speed component (m s-1) v_geo = -10.0 ! Constant geostrophic wind speed component (m s-1) div_surface = 5.25E-6 ! Large scale surface divergence (s-1) used to calculate subsidence, only used when dolargescale = .false. donudging_aer = .true. ! Nudge the aerosol concentration to its initial value. tau_aer = 300.0 donudging_tq_ft = .false. ! Nudge temperature and water vapor in the free troposphere. nudge_gap_ft = 50.0 tau_ft = 3600.0 do_bl_tend_t = .false. ! Apply boundary layer temperature tendency. If .true., the prescribed large scale temperature tendency profile will not be applied bl_tend_t = -1.2798850E-05 do_bl_tend_q = .true. ! Apply boundary layer water vapor tendency. If .true., the prescribed large scale water vapor tendency profile will not be applied bl_tend_qv = -7.3822162E-09 prescribe_surface_albedo = .true. ! Prescribe surface albedo surface_albedo = 0.07 ! surface albedo surface_emissivity = 0.95 ! surface emissivity prescribe_co2 = .true. ! Prescribe CO2 volume mixing ratio (instead using the value set by the radiation scheme) co2vmr_prescribed = 355.0e-6 ! Prescribed CO2 volume mixing ratio (WRF CAM CO2 volume mixing ratio for 15 July 2001 = 373.7 ppm) / &SGS_TKE dosmagor = .false. / &MICRO_FEINGOLD2M nca1_unit_num_per_cm3 = .false. nca1 = 100.0 dg1 = 0.2E-4 sg1 = 1.5 sig1 = 1.2 sig2 = 1.2 drizzle_start = 0 bimodal = .false. nca2 = 100.0 dg2 = 0.2E-4 sg2 = 1.5 dosurface_nca = .false. sfc_nca_flx_fixed = .true. sfc_nca_flx = 0.0 sfc_nca_flx_start = 1 / &OUT_2DMOD nsave2D_mod = 300 nsave2Dstart_mod = 0 nsave2Dend_mod = 999999999 save2Dbin_mod = .true. save2Dsep_mod = .true. fields = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36, /