# This file specifies options for the compilation of SAM. It is read by the # MasterBuild script and uses the Bash syntax. Users can change the options # below or create their own file and provide its name/path to the MasterBuild # script as a command line parameter. # Domain properties (domain.f90) export YES3D=1 export NX_GL=1920 export NY_GL=1920 export NZ_GL=125 export NSUBDOMAINS_X=32 export NSUBDOMAINS_Y=30 # Averaging lengths for output of statistical moments (-1 = no averaging) export NAVGMOM_X=-1 export NAVGMOM_Y=-1 # Number of tracers export NTRACERS=1 # Scalar-advection directory in SRC export ADV_DIR=ADV_UM5 # SGS directory in SRC export SGS_DIR=SGS_TKE # Radiation directory in SRC export RAD_DIR=RAD_RRTM4PBL # Microphysics directory in SRC export MICRO_DIR=MICRO_FEINGOLD2M