&PARAMETERS caseid = 'ERA5-077.0500-000-2095' iopfile = 'Barbados_2020-02-02.ERA5-077.0500-000-2095.v2.nc' LES = .true. OCEAN = .true. nrestart = 0 dx = 100. dy = 100. dt = 2.0 ug = 0.0 vg = 0.0 doconstdz = .false. dotracers = .true. dosurface = .true. dosfclocal = .true. dosfchomo = .false. sfc_flx_fxd = .false. sfc_tau_fxd = .false. day0 = 32.0 doseasons = .true. longitude0 = -999.0 latitude0 = -999.0 fcor = -999.0 docoriolis = .true. docoriolisz = .true. dofplane = .true. dosgs = .true. dodamping = .true. doupperbound = .true. nrad = 5 dolongwave = .true. doshortwave = .true. doradsimple = .false. doradaerosimple = .true. ! Enables the simple aerosol radiation scheme (Yamaguchi et al., GRL, 2015 doperpetual = .false. dosolarconstant = .false. docloud = .true. doprecip = .true. doseawater = .true. dolargescale = .true. doradforcing = .false. dosfcforcing = .true. donudging_uv = .false. ! SAM nudging scheme tauls = 1800 nudging_uv_z1 = 0.0 nudging_uv_z2 = 100000.0 donudging_tq = .false. ! SAM nudging scheme donudging_t = .false. donudging_q = .false. tautqls = 1800.0 nudging_t_z1 = 5000.0 nudging_t_z2 = 100000.0 nudging_q_z1 = 5000.0 nudging_q_z2 = 100000.0 donudging_tauz_tq = .false. ! Blossey et al. (JAMES, 2013) nudging scheme donudging_tauz_t = .false. donudging_tauz_q = .false. tauz_tau = 1800.0 nudging_tauz_z1 = 4000.0 nudging_tauz_z2 = 4400.0 doisccp = .true. domodis = .true. domisr = .true. nstop = 43200 ! Number of time steps in simulation nelapse = 1800 ! Maximum number of time steps to run before stopping current job nelapsemin = 999999999 ! Maximum number of wallclock minutes to run before stopping current job nprint = 150 nstat = 150 nstatfrq = 1 nrestart_skip = 11 doSAMconditionals = .false. dosatupdnconditionals = .false. nsave2D = 60 nsave2Dstart = 0 nsave2Dend = 999999999 save2Dbin = .true. save2Dsep = .true. save2Davg = .false. nsave3D = 1800 nsave3Dstart = 0 nsave3Dend = 999999999 save3Dbin = .true. rad3Dout = .true. / &SAM_JAN do_md_layer = .false. ! Enable mineral dust layer (interacts with radiation when doradaerosimple = .true., but not with microphysic md_bg_nmr = 0.0 ! Initial background mineral dust number mixing ratio (# mg-1) md_layer_nmr = 1600.0 ! Initial layer mineral dust number mixing ratio (# mg-1) md_layer_zbase = 4000.0 ! Layer initial base height (m) md_layer_ztop = 5500.0 ! Layer initial top height (m) md_layer_base_frac = 1.0 ! Layer initial mixing ratio fraction base/top time_tag_restart = .true. dotrajectorydata = .true. dotrajectorytranslation = .true. force_wind_10m = .false. uv_extrapolation = 2 donudging_aer = .false. tau_aer = 300 nudging_t = 4 ! Custom nudging of temperature (0 = off) nudging_q = 4 ! Custom nudging of water vapor (0 = off) nudging_uv = 6 ! Custom nudging of horizontal wind speed (0 = off) nudging_gap_ft = 100.0 ! Nudging starts at this distance (m) above the highest inversion location = nudging base height tau_gap_ft = 500.0 ! Nudging tendencies increase smoothly over this interval (m), from a value of zero at the nudging base height to a value corresponding to the nudging time scale tau_t = 1800.0 tau_q = 1800.0 tau_uv = 1800.0 tau_uv_surface_z = 500.0 ! For nudging_uv = 6, the nudging time constant is tau_uv_surface between the surface and this level, and tau_uv above twice this level, and a smooth interpolation in-between tau_uv_surface = 10.0 prescribe_surface_albedo = .true. ! Prescribe surface albedo surface_albedo = 0.06 ! ERA5 ocean surface albedo / &SGS_TKE dosmagor = .false. / &MICRO_FEINGOLD2M nca1_unit_num_per_cm3 = .false. bimodal = .true. nca1 = 400.0 dg1 = 0.128E-4 sg1 = 1.71 nca2 = 13.0 dg2 = 0.961E-4 sg2 = 1.73 use_nca_ft = 4 nca_ft = 32.0 dosurface_nca = .true. sfc_nca_flx_fixed = .false. sfc_nca_flx = 0.0 sfc_nca_flx_start = 0 sig1 = 1.2 sig2 = 1.2 coll_calc = 0 collection_start = 1800 / &OUT_2DMOD nsave2D_mod = 30 nsave2Dstart_mod = 999999999 nsave2Dend_mod = 999999999 save2Dbin_mod = .true. save2Dsep_mod = .true. fields = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 /