Download the high resolution Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2002 cover image.
Data showing the Antarctic ozone hole in October 2001. The globe shows satellite measurements of the total column of ozone above the Southern Hemisphere. The cooler colors of blue and purple indicate areas with lowest ozone above Antarctica. The three curves are balloonborne measurements of ozone at altitudes from about 3 kilometers to 30 kilometers over Antarctica. The green curve shows the October 1992-2001 average; the purple curve shows a specific day (2 October 2001) when ozone was totally depleted from 13 to 20 kilometers. For comparison, the red curve shows the average October ozone for the pre-ozone-hole years of 1962-1971. Data are from Figures Q11-1 and Q11-2 of this publication. Cover design layout by Debra Dailey-Fisher (NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory). Download the high resolution Executive Summary cover image.
Schematic representation of the ozone layer and its role in shielding the Earth surface from the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. Graphic art from Figure Q3-1 by Dennis Dickerson (Concepts 3); design layout by Debra Dailey-Fisher (NOAA Aeronomy Laboratory). Download the high resolution Twenty Questions and Answers About the Ozone Layer cover image.