NOAA's Atmospheric Composition from Space

About Us

NACS serves as a directory for information about NOAA's Atmospheric Composition from Space capabilities.


Development and provision of existing Atmospheric Composition (AC) products and strategic planning for NOAA's space capabilities, including future satellite missions such as GeoXO.

Organization & Team

Contact NACS by emailing us at If you'd like to keep up-to-date with all things atmospheric composition and satellites at NOAA, please sign up to join our NACS mailing list.

NACS Managing Team

Greg Frost

Greg Frost

NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory (CSL) Supervisory Research Chemist and Regional Chemical Modeling Program Lead; Earth's Radiation Budget (ERB) Initiative Manager; Geostationary Extended Observations (GeoXO) Atmospheric Composition Instrument User Scientist

Shobha Kondragunta

Shobha Kondragunta

NOAA NESDIS Aerosols and Atmospheric Composition Science Team Lead; Geostationary Extended Observations (GeoXO) Atmospheric Composition Instrument Product Lead

Monika Kopacz

Monika Kopacz

NOAA Climate Program Office, Atmospheric Chemistry Carbon Cycle and Climate (AC4) Program Manager

Victoria Breeze

Victoria Breeze

Earth's Radiation Budget (ERB) Program Manager

Kathryn Mozer

Kathryn Mozer

Weather Portfolio Advisor; NOAA NESDIS Point of Contact for OAR

Shiv Das

Shiv Das

NOAA Climate Program Office, Atmospheric Chemistry Carbon Cycle and Climate (AC4) Program Specialist

NACS informally bridges atmospheric composition across NOAA, with input from the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS), Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR), and the National Weather Service (NWS).

NACS Origin

NACS started as the planning committee for the NOAA technical report: "A Value Assessment of an Atmospheric Composition Capability on the NOAA Next-Generation Geostationary and Extended Orbits (GEO-XO) Missions." As current events (wildfires, changes in air quality due to pandemic lockdowns) and administration priorities underscored the importance of atmospheric composition, NACS grew to encompass the breadth of NOAA's atmospheric composition efforts from space.