July 10, 2014
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Daily Summary:
Thursday, July 10: BAO Ozone Intercomparison
Day 2 of Pre-DiscoverAQ/FRAPPE observations. Partly cloudy. NOAA TOPAZ, the NASA Goddard O3 lidar, and the NOAA CSD NOxCaRD instrument were operated simultaneously. NOxCaRD was measuring O3 profiles on the tower carriage from 0700 to 1200 MDT and from 1900 to 2200 MDT. Ozone sondes were released by NOAA GMD at approx. 0902, 1323, 1541, and 2207; an O3 tether sonde was launched at 10:45. TOPAZ data were collected from 0656 to 2221 MDT. Ozone increased to about 85 ppbv in the early afternoon.
Note: Data are preliminary. Potential biases near clouds have not yet been fully corrected.
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