August 2, 2016

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Daily Summary:

Tuesday, August 2: CABOTS IOP2
Day 16 of CABOTS IOP 2 observations. TOPAZ data were taken from 09:16 to 19:16 PDT. Hot with an offical high of 37C (99F) at the airport met tower. Cloud-free overhead all day, some Cu clouds over the Sierra crest. Very hazy. The Sierra Foothills were invisible all day. South-southeasterly surface winds thru mid-day, veering to the west/northwest and becoming weaker in the afternoon. Surface ozone steadily increased in the morning and early afternoon, peaked in the low 80s ppbv* around 1530 PDT, and then decreased in the late afternoon/early evening. The BL grew to around 500 m AGL and then briefly rose to about 700 m AGL in the late afternoon. Just like on the last couple of days, TOPAZ revealed a complex structure of the lower atmosphere with several clean and dirty layers between the top of the BL and 2500 m AGL. TOPAZ detected moderate ozone levels between 3 and 5 km AGL and ozone values up to 90 ppbv above that later in the day.

in situ surface data

in situ surface data - August 2