NOAA WP-3D Flight Plans
- 20130319 Test flight from Tampa, Florida.
- 20150321 Transit from Tampa, Florida to Broomfield, Colorado via Cushing, Oklahoma.
- 20150324 San Juan Basin wells, power plant.
- 20150326 Uintah Basin, UT.
- 20150328 Denver Julesburg Basin, CO.
- 20150329 WY Coal mines, Sublette.
- 20150402 Transit to Austin and Eagle Ford wells.
- 20150404 Haynesville and Barnett from Austin, TX
- 20150406 Permian Basin from Austin, TX
- 20150407 Eagle Ford Basin from Austin, TX
- 20150409 Permian Basin and transit Austin to Broomfield
- 20150413 Denver Julesburg Basin raster pattern, CO.
- 20150414 North Dakota oil and gas from Broomfield, CO.
- 20150419 San Juan Basin wells, power plant, from Broomfield, CO.
- 20150420 TX hogs, oil and gas, and Cushing, OK, from Broomfield, CO.
- 20150421 North Dakota oil and gas and Wyoming coal mines.
- 20150423 Permian Basin from Broomfield, CO.
- 20150425 Haynesville Basin from Broomfield, CO.
- 20150427 Uintah Basin, Wyoming Pinedale Anticline and Sinclair refinery from Broomfield, CO.