B2SAP data for the NOAA CSL Portable Optical Particle Spectrometer (POPS) instrument is archived by location:
B2SAP data is included with NOAA GML Water Vapor. When an ozone sonde was launched at the same time, it is included in the water data file. All the ozone and water vapor data that included a POPS is archived by location:
Asher, Elizabeth, Alexandre Baron, Pengfei Yu, Michael Todt, Penny Smale, Ben Liley, Richard Querel, Tetsu Sakai, Isamu Morino, Yoshitaka Jin, Tomohiro Nagai, Osamu Uchino, Emrys Hall, Patrick Cullis, Bryan Johnson, and Troy D. Thornberry, Balloon Baselie Stratospheric Aerosol Profiles (B2SAP) - Perturbations in the Southern Hemisphere, 2019-2022, Journal of Geophysical Research, submitted, 2024. supporting data
Asher, E., M. Todt, K. Rosenlof, T. Thornberry, R. Gao, G. Taha, P. Walter, S. Alvarez, J. Flynn, S. Davis, S. Evan, J. Brioude, J.-M. Metzger, D.F. Hurst, E. Hall, and K. Xiong, Unexpected rapid aerosol formation in the Hunga Tonga plume, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi:10.1073/pnas.2219547120, 2023. supporting data
Todt, M.A., E. Asher, E. Hall, P. Cullis, A. Jordan, K. Xiong, D. Hurst, and T. Thornberry, Baseline Balloon Stratospheric Aerosol Profiles (B2SAP) - Systematic measurements of aerosol number density and size, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2022JD038041, 2023. supporting data