International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting Research
Author Instructions
The IWAQFR 2018 steering committee is pleased to present the 9th IWAQFR 2018 program. Oral and poster presenters will be assigned their session and time based on the abstracts received.
The following presentation guidelines are provided to assist the authors.
Oral Presentations
Computer Guidelines
All oral presentations will be made using a PC computer provided by the IWAQFR program steering committee. The onsite platform will be Windows based.
Presenters should provide their presentations in one of the following formats: .pptx, .ppt, or .pdf. using a 4:3 slide size format. The computer provided at the podium will have Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Professional software installed.
It is recommended that the presentations are uploaded in advance: Submit Presentation, or brought on a USB stick and provided to the registration desk.
Delivering Presentations
Presenters should report to the meeting room 15 minutes before the start of the session to meet the session co-chairs. Presenters can verify their session time and date through the detailed program. Presenters will be asked to sit in the first row of reserved seats to ensure a timely session. Q&A will follow at the end of each presentation. Co-chairs will ensure that the sessions remain on-time. We thank you for your assistance in respecting the time requirements.
Audio Visual (AV) Equipment
The session room will be equipped with the following:
- 2 large screens
- 2 LCD projectors
- 1 PC laptop computer (Windows)
- 2 wireless microphones
Poster Presentations
Poster Guidelines
- The recommended poster size is maximum 120 cm width by maximum 120 cm height.
- The poster boards require pins/tacks to hang posters; these will be provided.
- Please include the abstract title at the top of the poster, as well as the names of all authors and their institutional affiliations. The characters in the title should be at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) in height. Include your contact information (usually an email address).
Set up and Tear down Guidelines
- Set up: On Wednesday, 7 November 2018, during the morning or afternoon breaks or during lunch, poster presenters will be asked to set up their posters in the meeting room. Note: Poster boards will be available on Tuesday evening as well.
- Presentation period: From 5:45 pm to 8:00 pm poster presenters are asked to be near their poster to allow the attendees an opportunity to view your poster and answer any questions they may have.
- Additional poster viewing will be available during the rest of the meeting. Poster presenters are encouraged (not required) to interact with those viewing their posters.
- Tear down: Poster presenters are asked to leave their posters up until the end of the meeting on Friday unless they must leave the meeting early.
- Special Note: On Thursday, 8 November, due to hotel requirements all poster boards will be moved from the meeting room into the adjacent foyer. If authors do not wish posters to be viewed by non-IWAQFR meeting attendees they may remove their posters at this time.
Should you have any logistical questions, or questions concerning poster content, please contact the IWAQFR 2018 Organizers.