June 5, 2016

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Daily Summary:

Sunday, June 5: CABOTS IOP1
Day 8 of CABOTS IOP 1 observations. TOPAZ data were taken from 10:28 - 18:36 PDT. Hot (38 C), moderately hazy, a few high clouds and contrails. The boundary layer (BL) rose from 400 m to about 900 m AGL. BL ozone increased gradually from 60 ppbv to 80-85 ppbv around 17:00 PDT and began decreasing in the lowest few hundred meters after that. The residual layer, which extended to about 1200 m AGL, and a layer aloft between 1700 and 2400 m AGL contained enhanced aerosols and ozone concentrations from 80 to 90 ppbv. A clean low-ozone layer was observed above 2500 m. All 3 layers aloft were descending during the day. The residual layer was entrained into the BL between 14:00 and 15:00 PDT. The two other layers aloft had mostly dispersed by the end of the observation period.

in situ surface data

in situ surface data - June 5