June 15, 2016

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Daily Summary:

Wednesday, June 15: CABOTS IOP1
Day 18 of CABOTS IOP 1 observations. TOPAZ data were taken from 08:11 - 18:11 PDT. AJAX spiral and missed approach around 1030 PDT. Conditions generally similar to June 14 with severe clear except for a few Cu clouds over the mountains in the afternoon. Cooler with a high of 27C. Northwesterly winds all day and relatively low aerosol; the Sierras were fairly visible all day. Slightly elevated ozone layers near 1200 and 2000 m in the morning with the higher layer fading in the afternoon. The lower layer blended with the backscatter signal in the BL, which was not clearly defined by the backscatter measurements. There was very low aerosol above 2800 m, descending to 2200 m in the afternoon. High backscatter was measured above 5 km. Low ozone (below ppbv)in the lowest 600 m all morning with slightly higher concentrations mixing down near midday. Very low ozone in the region with low aerosol above 2800/2200 m, but much higher concentrations above 5 km (not shown). Surface ozone reached a maximum of about 45 ppbv.

in situ surface data

in situ surface data - June 15