June 17, 2016

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Daily Summary:

Friday, June 17: CABOTS IOP1
Day 20 of CABOTS IOP 1 observations. TOPAZ data were taken from 08:30-18:30 PDT. Warmer today (34C), but still clear.Northwesterly winds in the morning, shifting to the south in the early afternoon and the east in the late afternoon. Very high aerosol in the shallow (less than 500 m) BL until noon, followed by a rapid decrease in backscatter and increase in apparent BL height when an elevated aerosol/ozone layer present between 1100 and 1600 m in the morning descended to merge with the growing BL. The Sierras were fairly visible in the morning despite the high aerosol loading in the BL, and became quite visible in the late afternoon. Low ozone below 3500 m in the morning except for the layer noted above. A higher layer descended from about 4000 to 3000 m over the course of the day.Surface ozone reached a maximum of about 55 ppbv.

in situ surface data

in situ surface data - June 17