Coordinated US Initiative on Emissions Research

Agenda [ pdf ][ doc ]
Participants [ pdf ][ xls ]
A. R. Ravishankara (NOAA ESRL CSD) Welcome [ ppt ]
Claire Granier and Greg Frost (NOAA ESRL CSD) Introduction and goals of the meeting [ ppt ]
Steve Smith (PNNL) and Jean-François Lamarque (NCAR) Thoughts from the IPCC work [ pdf ]
Chet Wayland and Terry Keating (EPA) Overview of EPA emission inventory development and research needs [ ppt ]
Lee Tooly and Marc Houyoux (EPA) US NEI perspective [ ppt ]
Kevin Gurney (Purdue Univ) CO2 inventories, how can they be linked with inventories of other species [ ppt ]
Alex Guenther (NCAR) Biogenic VOCs emissions [ ppt ]
Paul Ginoux (NOAA GFDL) Dust emissions: employing land-use data in calculating emissions [ ppt ]
Christine Wiedinmyer (NCAR) Fire emissions at high resolution [ ppt ]
Paulette Middleton (Panorama Pathways) Assessment of emissions [ pdf ]
Tom Ryerson (NOAA ESRL CSD) Evaluating emissions using field observations [ ppt ]
Carsten Warneke (NOAA ESRL CSD) Evaluating VOC emissions from anthropogenic, biogenic, and burning sources [ ppt ]
Greg Frost (NOAA ESRL CSD) Evaluating emissions using satellite observations: [ ppt ]
Gabrielle Pétron (NOAA ESRL GMD) Inverse modeling and multi-species analysis to quantify emissions [ ppt ]
Greg Carmichael (Univ. Iowa) Real-time inventories: how to verify consistency between the emissions of different species [ ppt ]
Stefan Falke (WUStL, Northrop Grumman) Networked Environmental Information System for Global Emissions Inventories (NEISGEI); Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) [ ppt ]
Greg Frost (NOAA ESRL CSD) Discussion [ ppt ]
Greg Frost (NOAA ESRL CSD) Concluding Remarks [ ppt ]