ITS Help Desk for assistance with any IT related issue
Information Technology Services (ITS) supports the science mission of the Chemical Sciences Laboratory by providing Information Technology (IT) services to scientists and administrative staff. The IT infrastructure includes web and FTP servers, remote access, email, office computers, enterprise software, conference room support, data storage, data exchange, networking, IT security, instrument computer assistance, field site networking, computer procurement, property system processing, and modeling computing support. Desktop computing is split almost evenly between the Windows and Mac operating systems. Most servers use the Linux operating system. Instrument computers mostly run the Windows operating systems, configured with instrument-specific software and drivers. ITS staff collaborate with colleagues in the Earth System Research Laboratories (ESRL) and NOAA Research (OAR) on many IT issues and often assume a leadership role in deployment of the Macintosh operating system in the research enterprise environment.
Doug Ohlhorst
Senior Information Technology (IT) Manager
Systems & Network Engineer
Ken Jamieson
Information System Security Officer
Kelly Healy
Linux Administrator
Xen Hasnat
IT Specialist (Windows)
Kemp Weston
IT Specialist (Windows)
Karl Mathern
IT Specialist (Mac)
Cathy Burgdorf Rasco
Web and Publications Management