June 8, 2016

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Daily Summary:

Wednesday, June 8: CABOTS IOP1
Day 11 of CABOTS IOP 1 observations. TOPAZ data were taken from 08:08 - 18:00 PDT. Somewhat cooler (35 C) and moderately hazy with broken, but widespread alto cirrus between 4 and 5 km agl in the morning; mostly clear by mid to late afternoon. Moderate aerosol backscatter in the BL in the morning, but less pronounced in the afternoon. Sierra's were clearly visible most of the day. The boundary layer (BL) remained between 400 and 600 m all afternoon with several high ozone and aerosol layers between the top of the BL and 2 km agl. Very clean air above 2 km agl. BL ozone was low in the morning, but slowly increased to a maximum of about 75 ppbv in the late afternoon. Surface ozone peaked at about 68 ppbv in the late afternoon.

in situ surface data

in situ surface data - June 8