Weather Forecasts

Daily Weather Summary

July 10, 1999:

A frontal boundary is approaching Tennessee from the north today. Therefore, expect mostly cloudy skies and occasional showers and thunderstorms. 850 mb winds W at about 10-15 kts at 850 mb. High: 88 Low: 71. Mixing Hgt.: 1100 m MSL. Cold front should reach BNA by sometime this evening.

Tomorrow's Forecast

July 11, 1999:

It appears that the frontal boundary will stall just to our south by Sunday morning, probably between here and HSV, as 500 mb trough digs in to our west. Also, a surface low should form along the front somewhere to our S or SE. Therefore, expect mostly cloudy skies to continue on Sunday, with decent chances for showers continuing. High: 84 Low: 69. 850 mb winds on Sunday should be N to NE, at 5-10 knots.

Day after Tomorrow Forecast

July 12, 1999:

Front still stationary just south of us, but our air should be a little drier by Monday. Therefore, rain chances decrease. High: 86 Low: 67


For Tuesday through Thursday, expect partly cloudy skies with maybe some scattered afternoon showers each day. Highs 85-90. Lows: 63-69.

Profiler Plume Depiction

The following shows a depiction of plume locations as predicted by the profiler winds assimilated into a one-dimensional boundary layer model. The top image shows particle positions as of the previous evening. The lower image shows particle positions as of the following morning for particles released beginning the previous noon.

Forecast Plumes

The following gives a depiction of plume locations using a Lagranagian Particle Model coupled to the Regional Spectral Model. The RSM is run daily in a forecast mode at TVA Muscle Shoals, Alabama.

Plume based on 00z initial fields (mpg file optimized for QuickTime)

Plume based on 12z initial fields (mpg file optimized for QuickTime)

ARL Hysplit Trajectories

Nashville Soundings