For any questions regarding data formats or access, contact the Data Manager.
The preferred method of submitting data to the data manager is to use the Chemical Sciences Division's FTP site. If possible please submit files in the ICARTT format (more info below).
NOAA WP-3D Aircraft Data
Alignment in time with aircraft flight-level data is required for both field and final data:
Ground Site Data
For ground site data, the default time resolution is one minute; alternatively, provide your own start/stop times for each measurement.
Preliminary and final data files will be posted to data download (NOAA WP-3D, Centreville Ground Site) as soon as they are available. Access is password protected.
Data files will be available in the ICARTT format. Please note that this format specifies that the data is comma-delimited, not space-delimited. Info on the ICARTT format also contains a file format-checker to make sure files comply with the ICARTT standard.
In addition, NASA maintains the complete documentation for the ICARTT format. For users of the application Igor, there are software data tools available including GeneralMacros.ipf, and IcarttFormat.ipf and more.
ICARTT data file names are defined as dataID_locationID_YYYYMMDD_R#.ict
Time values are reported in UTC as seconds after midnight from the date given in the file name.
Many investigators use a software program called Igor for data analysis. While the text-based ICARTT format is the data exchange format, all data files will also be available in Igor binary format.