CSL News & Events:

2007 News & Events

Synthesis Meeting for the 2006 Ozone Assessment

5 February 2007

Acting CSD Director A.R. Ravishankara will attend a meeting of the Montreal Protocol Panels to discuss the development of a Synthesis Report based on the Panels' 2006 assessment reports regarding the ozone layer. The meeting takes place February 8-9 in the Netherlands.

Background: The 1987 Montreal Protocol formed three Panels to provide periodic assessment reports to inform the nations that are Parties to the Protocol on matters related to the Earth's ozone layer. The Scientific Assessment Panel, the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, and the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel have the participation of scientists, industry specialists, and other experts from around the world. The three panels produced their most recent assessment reports in late 2006. The leaders of the Panels will convene in the February meeting to write a Synthesis Report based on the findings of the three assessment reports. Ravishankara is on the 5-member Scientific Steering Committee that guided the 2006 assessment report of the Scientific Assessment Panel, on which many NOAA scientists serve.

Significance: The international ozone layer assessments contribute to the mission of NOAA's Climate Goal. The periodic report of the Scientific Assessment Panel is a major information product that communicates the most up-to-date scientific understanding regarding ozone depleting substances, trends in ozone and surface ultraviolet radiation globally and at the poles, the processes that are involved in ozone depletion, connections between ozone depletion and climate change, and expectations for the future state of the ozone layer and its recovery. Over 300 scientists participated in the planning, preparation, and review of the 2006 ozone scientific assessment. It is posted on the website below. Printed copies will be available in spring 2007.