23 August 2018
A team of Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) scientists from the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory's Chemical Sciences Division will receive a 2018 Colorado Governor's Award for High-Impact Research Honorable Mention for Consumer Products' Emissions - Pioneering work on growing emissions from consumer products improves scientific understanding of air pollution and benefits environmental regulation and policy.
Current and former CSD scientists receiving the award: Brian McDonald, Jessica Gilman, Joost de Gouw (CU), Carsten Warneke, and Matthew Coggon.
CO-LABS recognizes the 2018 study published in the journal Science that examined the contribution of household cleaners and other everyday consumer activities to air pollution. These products compare with transportation and oil and gas emissions as a source of pollutants in the city air we breathe. This work will be highlighted at the October 4 awards ceremony hosted by the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. The NOAA / CIRES honorable mention is one of four awards for the 2018 cycle, honoring Colorado's top scientists and engineers for projects having a significant impact on society.