2021 News & Events

UNEP report offers a comprehensive blueprint for addressing our triple planetary emergency

18 February 2021

report cover
A copy of the report is available from UNEP.

A new report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) published today offers a comprehensive blueprint for addressing our triple planetary emergency. Making Peace with Nature details how the world can transform its relationship with nature and tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution crises within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals to secure a sustainable future and prevent future pandemics. The report serves to translate the current state of scientific knowledge into crisp, clear and digestible facts-based messages that the world can relate to and follow up on. It first provides an Earth diagnosis of current and projected human-induced environmental change, by putting facts and interlinkages in perspective, including by using smart infographics. In building on this diagnosis, the report identifies the shifts needed to close gaps between current actions and those needed to achieve sustainable development. CSL Director David Fahey served as a Scientific Advisor on this report.