2023 News & Events

Karen Rosenlof Elected as Fellow of AGU

13 September 2023

Karen Rosenlof
Dr. Karen H. Rosenlof

Dr. Karen H. Rosenlof has been elected as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), in recognition of seminal contributions to the understanding of stratospheric dynamics and transport, and the processes that control stratospheric water vapor. AGU Fellows embody AGU's values by fostering open science; by mentoring; through public engagement; and in their communications.

Election to AGU Fellow is an honor reserved for less than 0.1% of AGU's membership in any given year. Karen's election to this honor is well deserved. Her research at NOAA has focused on the climate and climate change. Her scientific impact is evident in both her leadership of chemistry and climate processes, and her research of stratospheric dynamics, stratosphere-troposphere interactions, and stratospheric composition including water vapor, ozone, and aerosols. Karen and the other 2023 Fellows will be recognized at the Fall Meeting of the AGU, to be held in December in San Francisco.