Indiana Flux Study (INFlux)

Indianapolis map
Lidar installations and tower locations in the Indianapolis metro area.

Where: Indianapolis, Indiana

When: Spring 2013 - 2019

The Indiana Flux Experiment (INFlux) is National Institutes for Standards and Technology (NIST) led effort with partners from Pen State University, NOAA ESRL GMD (Global Monitoring Division) and CSD. The primary objective of the experiment is to develop and evaluate methods for measurement and modeling of greenhouse gas fluxes from urban environments. The study will use distributed tower measurements and periodic aircraft sampling of greenhouse gases and dynamics to accomplish goals.

CSD will deploy scanning Doppler lidar instruments to the Indianapolis metro area. The HALO Photonics lidar installation occurs in the Spring of 2013 for a two year deployment, and returns in January 2016 for further measurements. HALO collects high-resolution vertically staring data and takes vertical velocity variance and aerosol backscatter signal strength profiles. The High-Resolution Doppler Lidar (HRDL) installations occurs in the Spring of 2014 short term.

calibrating instrument
Researcher Tim Bonin calibrating the HALO Photonics lidar instrument for wind speed and direction. Photo: Scott Sandberg, NOAA


INFlux 2017 Dalek 2 Data

INFlux 2016-2019 HALO Data

INFlux 2013-2015 HALO Data

INFlux 2014 HRDL Data