WP-3D Lab & Office Space
ITCT 2k2 hangar
hangar 1st floor plan
hangar 2nd and 3rd floors plan
Participant lab and office space assignments
Participant/Affiliation | Suite | # Network Connections |
Computing & Networking Resources | O | 6 |
ETL | OI | 2 |
Sueper | OII | 2 |
Parrish | T | 1 |
Fehsenfeld | T | 1 |
Ryerson | T | 1 |
Nicks | R | 1 |
Holloway | R | 1 |
Dunlea | R | 1 |
Cooper/Forster | S | 2 |
Li/Jaegle | S | 1 |
Carmichael/Tang/Guttikunda | S | 2 |
Jakoubek | S | 1 |
GaTech PILS | U | 1 |
Trainer | V | 1 |
Hubler | V | 1 |
GaTech CIMS | D | 1 |
AL CIMS | D | 1 |
de Gouw/Warneke | D | 2 |
Atlas/Donnelly/Schauffler | G * | 4 |
Roberts/Flocke | F * | 2 |
Lafleur/Wilson/Reeves | F * | 3 |
Brock | F * | 3 |
PALMS | FI * | 5 |
AOC | E | 4 |
* Lab space for instruments not requiring internet access will be accommodated in Suites G and F and the first floor of the hangar.