
Scientific Ideas and Technology Showcase

DSRC entrance

Owen Cooper, Tom Ryerson, Ru-Shan Gao, NOAA ESRL CSD

Wednesday, March 12, 2014, 3:30 pm Mountain Time
DSRC 2A305


This seminar is in a new format that we hope will stimulate communications/discussion between groups and divisions. The idea is to have 3-4 speakers, 10-15 min each, present their ideas/models/results/instruments/inventions that are too brief for a one hour seminar, but are nevertheless of high interest to other scientists.

Three short talks will be given in this seminar:

  1. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene is a new peer-reviewed open access journal. This nonprofit initiative is supported by BioOne, the University of Colorado Boulder, Dartmouth, Georgia Tech., the University of Michigan, and the University of Washington. Owen Cooper will give a brief overview of the scope of the journal, highlight its on-line features and introduce its atmospheric sciences editorial board.
  2. Instrumented vans provide a mobile field measurement capability that is complementary to those offered by ground monitoring sites and by instrumented research aircraft. Tom Ryerson will describe the initial chemical measurement payload being installed in the new CSD van, discuss deployment plans for 2014, and highlight its future utility as a Division resource.
  3. 3D printing is a hot topic recently. When used appropriately, it can produce complex parts rapidly at low costs. Ru-Shan Gao will describe the two 3D printers in CSD, their capabilities, and commercial printing services with better materials.

ALL Seminar attendees agree not to cite, quote, copy, or distribute material presented without the explicit written consent of the seminar presenter. Any opinions expressed in this seminar are those of the speaker alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of NOAA or CSL.