CSL Seminar Series:

2018 Past Seminars

4 December 2018 BVOCs and radical species investigations with the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIR
Speaker: Anna Novelli, Forschungszentrum Juelich
16 November 2018 Heterogeneous chemistry and its role in troposphere: Simulating the heterogeneous reactions of nitrogen and halogen species and their impact on oxidative capacity and air quality using WRF-Chem
Speaker: Dr. Qinyi Li, University of Madrid
7 November 2018 Air quality in the western US: Wintertime ammonium nitrate aerosol in Salt Lake City, Utah and summertime wildfires in Missoula, Montana
Speaker: Carrie Womack, NOAA ESRL CSD and CU CIRES
31 October 2018 Emissions, Transport, and Chemistry of Smoke from Fires in the Amazon and Western U.S.
Speaker: Megan Bela, NOAA ESRL CSD and CU CIRES
17 October 2018 Soil Emissions of NOy in Midwest Hardwood Forests: Biogenic Sources, Abiotic Mechanisms, and Intersections Between Them
Speaker: Jonathan Raff, Indiana University
10 October 2018 Why has the lower stratosphere stopped cooling for the last 20 years?
Speaker: Lorenzo Polvani, Columbia University
3 October 2018 The nitrogen chemistry of wildfire emissions and some unusual reduced nitrogen chemistry pertinent to the troposphere
Speaker: Jim Roberts, NOAA ESRL CSD
26 September 2018 Advanced Imagery Applications Development for GOES-16 ABI at CIRA
Speaker: Steve Miller, Colorado State University
29 August 2018 New insights into marine boundary layer sulfur from observations made during the NASA ATom mission
Speaker: Patrick Veres, NOAA ESRL CSD
20 July 2018 Oxidative Stress Induced by Ambient Aerosols and Organic Aerosols Generated From Biogenic and Anthropogenic Hydrocarbons
Speaker: Sally Ng, Georgia Institute of Technology
30 May 2018 Tropical Expansion in the Southern Hemisphere
Speaker: Darryn Waugh, Johns Hopkins University
24 May 2018 What can weather satellites tell us about atmospheric composition?
Speaker: Chris Barnet, Science and Technology Corporation
11 May 2018 Automated Estimation of Smoke Emissions for Atmospheric Modeling in Retrospective and Forecast Modes
Speaker: Edward Hyer, Naval Research Laboratory
2 May 2018 Organic aerosol production in clouds and wet aerosols
Speaker: Barbara Ervens, NOAA ESRL CSD and CU CIRES
25 April 2018 In situ perspectives on water vapor, clouds and dehydration in the tropical tropopause layer
Speaker: Troy Thornberry, NOAA ESRL CSD and CU CIRES
18 April 2018 The atmospheric life cycle of pollen
Speaker: Allison Steiner, University of Michigan
11 April 2018 The Hole - A film on the Montreal Protocol
Special presentation, UN Environment Programme
2 April 2018 Space-Based Constraints on Aerosol Plume Injection Height, Source Strength, and Particle Type
Speaker: Ralph Kahn, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
21 March 2018 First exciting new measurements of the recently launched TROPOMI instrument on Copernicus S5P
Speaker: Pieternel Levelt, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute; Delft University of Technology
14 March 2018 Climate models are uncertain, but we can do something about it
Speaker: Ken Carslaw, University of Leeds
28 February 2018 Linkages among Clouds, Climate Sensitivity, and the Atmospheric General Circulation in the Southern Hemisphere
Speaker: Kevin Grise, University of Virginia
15 February 2018 Direct measurement of elusive intermediates
Speaker: Craig Taatjes, Sandia National Laboratory
7 February 2018 Long-range Transport of Biomass Burning Aerosols over Stratocumulus Clouds
Speaker: Sampa Das, Purdue University
31 January 2018 The Community Emissions Data System (CEDS): data, emissions, and uncertainty estimates
Speaker: Rachel Hoesly, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
24 January 2018 Chemical composition of the tropical troposphere over the southern Indian Ocean as seen from observations taken at Reunion Island
Speaker: Jerome Brioude, LACy, Laboratoire de l'Atmosphere et des Cyclones, CNRS, Université de La Réunion
17 January 2018 The Birthplace of Cloud Nuclei - a Global Perspective from the Atmospheric Tomography Mission
Speaker: Christina Williamson, NOAA ESRL CSD & CU CIRES