Andy Neuman


Tropospheric Chemistry



Dr. Neuman is a research scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and an affiliate with the NOAA Earth System Research Lab. He joined the lab in 1997, studying the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere using instruments developed for high altitude aircraft. Since 2000, his research has concentrated on atmospheric chemistry and transport in the lower troposphere. Chemical ionization mass spectrometers have been developed and operated to measure trace gases from the NOAA WP-3D aircraft. Data from these instruments are used to examine long-range transport of pollutants, aerosol formation, photochemical ozone production, and arctic ozone depletion.


B.A., Physics, Middlebury College
M.S., Engineering Physics, University of Virginia
PhD., Physics, University of Colorado


  • Development and implementation of Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer techniques for detection of trace gases in the atmosphere
  • Measurements of nitric acid and halogen species from aircraft platforms
  • Nitric acid production and loss in plumes from anthropogenic sources
  • Tropospheric ozone formation and transport
  • Halogen chemistry responsible for springtime arctic ozone depletion
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

last modified: April 29, 2022