Isabel McCoy

Research Scientist II

Clouds, Aerosol, & Climate

NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
325 Broadway, R/CSL9
Boulder, CO 80305 USA

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2020: Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, University of Washington
2017: M.S., Atmospheric Science University of Washington
2014: B.S., Physics with Atmospheric Option and Mathematics Minor, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology


  • Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions
  • Aerosol radiative forcing
  • Cloud feedback
  • Cloud and climate impacts from socioeconomic choices

Current Topics

  • Influence of mesoscale organization on trade cumulus cloud development and its implications for cloud feedback (in situ observations)
  • Climate impacts from modulation of atmospheric composition resulting from socioeconomic choices (GCM and LES simulations)
  • Impact of aerosol-meteorology co-variability on  aerosol forcing (satellite and in situ observations)
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

last modified: June 26, 2024