Our Mission: To advance scientific understanding of the chemical and physical processes that affect Earth's atmospheric composition and climate.
Our Vision: A nation with the best scientific understanding and information about atmospheric chemistry and composition necessary to make optimal decisions for current and future generations.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) mission is Science, Service, and Stewardship, which is achieved by understanding and predicting changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, sharing that knowledge and information with others, and conserving and managing coastal and marine ecosystems and resources.
The NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) provides the science and research support for the Agency. OAR deliver's NOAA's future by focusing on four strategic goals: explore the marine environment; detect changes in the ocean and atmosphere; make forecasts better; and drive innovative science. The OAR laboratories provide the scientific capacity and capabilities to deliver NOAA's mission and contribute to OAR's strategic goals. Within OAR, the Chemical Sciences Laboratory (CSL) fulfils key areas of research on air quality, climate, and the stratosphere that distinguishes it from other federal laboratories and academic or private institutions.
The CSL staff is composed of excellent scientists, experienced technical staff, and committed support staff. CSL has world-class laboratory facilities, state-of-the-art instrumentation and models, access to numerous research platforms, and dedicated resources to advance scientific understanding of atmospheric chemistry and composition. These resources equip CSL to respond to emerging and evolving societal issues related to air quality, climate, and the stratosphere. An important measure of success for CSL is the ability to communicate our scientific results to stakeholders and policymakers who will use the information to underpin decisions and solutions for the challenges posed by present and projected changes that impact atmospheric composition.
The objective of the CSL Strategy is to provide the direction, approach, and rationale for activities to be performed in the coming years. This strategy does not start today, rather, it builds on the tremendous accomplishments of the past, and institutes the framework to continue evolving and building on that legacy.
The CSL Strategy allows for discovery, new questions, and stakeholder needs to be addressed using state-of-the-art instruments and models, world-class laboratory studies, and unparalleled field campaigns. The outcomes of CSL research inform decision makers, result in transfer technology, contribute to assessments and reports, and deliver an extensive collection of peer-reviewed publications.
To execute its strategy, CSL focuses on four strategic goals:
1: Position CSL as a leader in advancing scientific understanding of the chemical and physical processes that affect atmospheric composition.
2: Shape and drive how the atmosphere is studied through innovation in instrumentation, field campaigns, models, and thought.
3: Be trusted and respected experts (agents) in atmospheric chemistry and composition.
4: Foster the next generation of scientific leadership.
CSL focuses on four key organizational priorities to implement its strategy and achieve its strategic goals: