Workshop Home

  • Workshop Coordinator:
  • Greg Frost (NOAA)
  • Organizing Committee:
  • Veronique Bouchet (EC)
  • Greg Carmichael (U. Iowa)
  • Paula Davidson (NOAA)
  • Mike Howe (EC)
  • Jim Meagher (NOAA)
  • Craig Stroud (EC)
Annual Workshops

International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting Research

Call for Abstracts

The workshop organizing committee is seeking contributed presentations on any of the following themes:

  • Challenges in Particulate Matter Forecasting
    Chair: Jerome Fast (PNNL)
    Topics include: PM forecasting modules, techniques, evaluations
  • Chemical Data Assimilation in Air Quality Forecasts
    Chair: Greg Carmichael (U. Iowa)
    Topics include: Use of satellite data, in-situ observations, 3DVAR vs EnKF vs 4DVAR techniques, evaluations
  • Treating Intermittent Sources in Forecast Models
    Chair: Stuart McKeen (NOAA)
    Topics include: Fires, dust, volcanoes, lightning, evaluations
  • Post Processing of Air Quality Forecasts
    Chair: Mike Moran (EC)
    Topics include: Ensembles, Model Output Statistics, bias correction, value-added products, evaluations
  • Air Quality and Weather Forecasts: Two-way Interactions
    Chair: Veronique Bouchet (EC)
    Topics include: Use of online AQ forecasts to improve weather forecasts, evaluations

Online abstract submission form available 15 July - 18 September 2009.

When submitting abstracts, presenters may indicate their preference for an oral or poster presentation. However, the Session Chairs and Organizing Committee will have the final decision on the format of each presentation.

Abstract submission deadline 18 September 2009.