International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting Research

Visitor Information
Refer to the
- Security procedures for visitors and directions for Denver International Airport
- Meeting site location map in Boulder
- David Skaggs Research Center room location
Details for getting to the workshop:
The Visitors Center and entrance to the Boulder Department of Commerce site facilities are located on Broadway at Rayleigh Road. All visitors, including pedestrians and bike riders, are required to check in at the Visitors Center at the Security Checkpoint to receive a visitor badge before proceeding to their destination. Visitors must present a valid photo ID, and identify Debra Dailey-Fisher, x6893, as the point of contact for the International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting Research. Secondary points of contact are Barb Keppler, x3935, and Mary Gutierrez, x3429. If you are a foreign national without permanent residency, please complete this Foreign National Visitor form , then email the workshop coordinator by 13 November 2009 so security can be notified in advance. When exiting the site by car, visitors must swipe their temporary badge to open the exit gate, then return the badge in the adjacent drop box at the end of their visit. Visitor badges must otherwise be returned to the Visitors Center Badge Return. These are our requirements per Homeland Security, regardless of security threat level. Please allow extra time to accommodate these procedures.
The Multipurpose Room (GC402) and Outreach Classroom (GB124) are located on the garden level of the main core of the David Skaggs Research Center (DSRC). Enter the DSRC through the main building entrance, located in the central west side near the flagpoles. From the DSRC lobby, proceed down the stairs one level and turn right.