working on the SciDAC project: Adaptive Vertical Grid Enhancement for E3SM
Climate dynamics, Clouds and turbulence, parameterization, Numerical Modeling, Mesoscale convective systems, Tropical cyclone genesis
Solar energy is a fundamental energy source for the atmosphere. A part of the incoming solar energy is reflected by clouds and does not reach the surface. Therefore, global cloud coverage is an important parameter to understand climate and its energy balance. However, clouds, especially shallow clouds are poorly represented in climate models. One of the causes is the low resolution, and several assumptions in cloud parameterization schemes used in climate models. For better understanding and projection of climate, an improvement of cloud representation is necessary. My supervisor, Dr. Takanobu Yamaguchi, found that vertical resolution enhancement improves the representation of shallow clouds, and developed an innovative scheme named the Framework for Improvement by Vertical Enhancement (FIVE; Yamaguchi et al. 2017). FIVE will be incorporated into the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) developed by DOE. In this project, one of my goals is to study the advantageous effects of FIVE in climate simulations. Since a global climate simulation is very expensive, in the development stage a simple framework representing Earth’s general circulation is required. It has to have attributes like low cost of computation, and suitable for time integration over a climate-relevant period. Toward this goal, I started to build a two-dimensional (2D) simulation framework after arriving at my current post. 2D simulation can represent basic characteristics of Earth’s general circulation and is far less costly than three-dimensional simulation. I already succeeded in developing the framework of the 2D simulation and have started to execute 2D simulation of the general circulation with high resolution.
last modified: March 31, 2022