NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
325 Broadway, R/CSL9
Boulder, CO 80305 USA
I am interested in the study of atmospheric marine boundary layer moist processes controlling clouds and convection in Earth's atmosphere, the role that clouds play in climate variability and change, and how aerosol particles interact with clouds to determine their physical and radiative properties. I use large eddy simulation models and remote sensing/in-situ observations to tackle these problems. My published research covers stratocumulus to cumulus transition, mechanisms of mesoscale organization of stratocumulus, impact of drizzle-induced cold pools on cloud formation, and cloud-aerosol interaction. I am interested in seeking an improved understanding of boundary layer cloud processes and their feedback on climate by synergizing observations and numerical simulations at different scales.
2017 Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University
Radiation effects in response to aerosol perturbations under different meteorological conditions
last modified: June 30, 2024