Registration is open online through Friday, 29 March 2024. Note that there will be a limited number of in-person attendees, so please register by this date so that we can make sure to accommodate everyone who wants to attend in-person. If you need to make changes or have questions, please email Rebecca Schwantes.
There is no registration fee. No travel funding is available.
Note: The workshop committee will try to accommodate preferences, but due to limited time some oral presentations may need to be moved to poster presentations.
Note: Sessions are organized by science topics. Presentations on observations, modeling, or combined analyses are welcome for all science topics. In April, the AGES+ organizing committee will organize presentations into sub-sessions that will include more focused science topics. Please choose the best science topic that represents your research. The committee may add new science topics depending on the presentations submitted.
* These fields required. Confirmation will follow.
Hotels in Boulder fill quickly. If you are planning to attend, please make your lodging accommodations early.