AGES+ Seminar Series

Please join us for virtual AGES+ seminars, 1 - 3 pm MT beginning Tuesday, 12 March 2024, and recurring every 4 weeks. We will discuss the latest science results from the field campaigns that occurred during the summer of 2023.

Join the AGES+ Seminar Series email list Our AGES+ Seminar Series in now on Google Meet. If you would like to participate, please join the email list.

ALL webinar viewers agree not to cite, quote, copy, or distribute material presented without the explicit written consent of the seminar presenter. Any opinions expressed in these seminars are those of the speaker alone and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of AGES+, NOAA or CSL.

This agenda will be updated prior to each seminar. Presentations will be available following each seminar. Only registered seminar series attendees will have access to the presentations. Please contact Drew Rollins, Carsten Warneke, and Rebecca Schwantes at NOAA CSL if you would like to present at one of the upcoming meetings. We are looking for 2-4 presenters per seminar. Each presenter should prepare to present for ~20 minutes and save ~10 minutes for questions & discussion. Presenting preliminary data and analysis to encourage discussion across this group at early stages of your project is highly encouraged. Speakers: Upload Presentation

Summary of AEROMMA Urban Flight Description Document
Speaker: Becky Schwantes, NOAA CSL

Efficiency of Urban Ozone Photochemistry during the 2023 AEROMMA Airborne Field Campaign
Speaker: Wyndom Chace, NOAA CSL / CU CIRES

Co-occurrence of boreal smoke plumes and enhanced surface ozone across the upper Midwest during summer 2023
Speaker: Owen Cooper, NOAA CSL

Single particle characterization with PALMS-NG during AEROMMA
Speaker: Xiaoli Shen, Purdue University

Constraining Sulfur Observations From AEROMMA Marine
Speaker: Chris Jernigan, NOAA CSL / CU CIRES

Overview and initial observations from ground site activities in New York City and downwind
Speaker: Drew Gentner, Yale University

Study of Winter Air Pollution in Toronto (SWAPIT) - Aiming to Understand the Whole Air Pollutant Mixture in Canada's Largest City
Speaker: Elisabeth Galarneau, Air Quality Research Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada

Disentangling NYC's urban ammonia emissions
Speaker: Emily Lill, Colorado State University

4 June 2024

Canceled – Hope to see everyone at the AGES+ Workshop the week before!

2 July 2024

Canceled – Enjoy your Summer break!

30 July 2024

A Pseudo-Lagrangian Perspective on New Particle Formation and Growth Observed in Urban Outflow Plumes during AEROMMA
Speaker: En Li, Colorado State University

27 August 2024

24 September 2024

22 October 2024

19 November 2024

17 December 2024