Wednesday, 2 December 2009 |
8:30-8:45 | Welcome and Goals for the Workshop Speaker: Jim Meagher (NOAA) |
8:45-10:20 | Plenary Session: Research Needs from the Practitioner's Perspective Chair: Jim Meagher (NOAA) |
8:45-9:15 | Keith Puckett (EC) | Research Needs from the EC Perspective |
9:15-9:45 | Paula Davidson (NOAA) | Research Needs from the NOAA Perspective |
9:45-10:15 | Adrian Simmons (ECMWF) | Research Needs from the European Perspective |
10:15-10:20 | Discussion |
10:40-14:00 | Theme 1: Challenges in PM Forecasting Chair: Jerome Fast (PNNL) |
10:40-11:00 | Alma Hodzic (NCAR) | Can 3D Models Explain Observed Primary and Secondary, Fossil and non-Fossil Organic Aerosols? |
11:00-11:20 | Ho-Chun Huang (SAIC, NOAA) | The Impact of Transcontinental Transport on US Particulate Matter Prediction  |
11:20-11:40 | Mike Moran (EC) | The PM Module in the New Canadian Operational AQ Forecast Model GEM MACH15: Current Status and Future Plans |
11:40-12:00 | Paul Makar (EC) | High Resolution Simulations of Particle Sulfate Formation in Lake Breeze Fronts: Process Tracking and Implications for Forecasting |
13:00-13:20 | Wanmin Gong (EC) | Evaluating Cloud Processes in Particulate Matter Forecasting |
13:20-13:40 | Jerome Fast (PNNL) | How Do We Know that Aerosol Forecasts are Improving for the Right Reasons? |
13:40-14:00 | Discussion |
14:20-16:00 | Theme 2: Treating Intermittent Sources in Forecast Models Chair: Stuart McKeen (NOAA) |
14:20-14:40 | Daewon Byun (NOAA) | Improving Air Quality Forecasting through Incremental Reduction of Input Uncertainties |
14:40-15:00 | Youngsin Chun (NIMR/Korea) | Asian Dust Early Warning System in Korea |
15:00-15:20 | Hermann Jakobs (U Cologne) | Dust Storm Simulation with the Regional Air Quality Forecast Model EURAD |
15:20-15:40 | David Lavoué (EC) | Capacity for Forest Fire Forecasting in the Canadian Air Quality Model GEM-MACH |
15:40-16:00 | Discussion |
16:00-18:30 | Poster Session for all Themes |
Thursday, 3 December 2009 |
8:30-10:10 | Theme 3: Air Quality and Weather Forecasts: Two-way Interactions Chair: Véronique Bouchet (EC) |
8:30-8:50 | Georg Grell (NOAA) | Impact of smoke from the ALASKA 2004 wildfires on radiation and cloud microphysics using WRF-Chem |
8:50-9:10 | Rohit Mathur (EPA) | The WRF-CMAQ Two-way Coupled Modeling System: Development, Testing, and Initial Applications |
9:10-9:30 | Sarah Lu (NOAA) | The NEMS/GFS-GOCART System: Overview, Status, and Preliminary Results |
9:30-9:50 | Alexander Baklanov (Danish Met Institute) given by Georg Grell (NOAA) | Overview Of European Research In Online Coupled NWP & ACT Modeling With Two-Way Interaction |
9:50-10:10 | Discussion |
10:30-13:50 | Theme 4: Post Processing of Air Quality Forecasts Chair: Mike Moran (EC) |
10:30-10:50 | Stavros Antonopoulos (EC) | Forecasting O3, PM25 and NO2 three-hourly spot concentrations using an updatable MOS methodology |
10:50-11:10 | Edouard Debry (INERIS/France) | Using ensemble modeling to improve particulate matter forecasting in France |
11:10-11:30 | Irina Djalalova (U Colorado, NOAA) | Ensemble and bias-correction techniques for forecasting surface O3 and PM2.5 during the TEXAQS-II experiment of 2006 |
11:30-11:50 | Scott Jackson (EPA) | Post Processing of Air Quality Forecasts for the AIRNow Forecaster Community |
12:50-13:10 | Frederik Meleux (INERIS/France) given by Edouard Debry (INERIS/France) | Post-processing of the PREVAIR operational air quality system over Europe combining model outputs and observations |
13:10-13:30 | William Ryan (Penn State U) | Operational Use of Air Quality Numerical Forecast Model Guidance |
13:30-13:50 | Discussion |
14:10-16:30 | Theme 5: Chemical Data Assimilation in AQ Forecasts Chair: Greg Carmichael (U. Iowa) |
14:10-14:30 | Vincent-Henri Peuch (CNRM-GAME, Météo-France, CNRS) | Chemical data assimilation for AQ prognoses over Europe in GEMS/MACC |
14:30-14:50 | Adrian Sandu (Virginia Tech) | Hybrid Methods for Chemical Data Assimilation |
14:50-15:10 | Tianfeng Chai (STC, NOAA) | Data assimilation and air quality forecasting using CMAQ |
15:10-15:30 | Richard Ménard (EC) | Coupled stratospheric chemistry-dynamics modeling and assimilation |
15:30-15:50 | Mariusz Pagowski (Colorado State U, NOAA) | Three-dimensional variational data assimilation of ozone and fine particulate matter observations: Some results using the Weather Research and Forecasting-Chemistry model and Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation |
15:50-16:10 | R. Bradley Pierce (NOAA) | Real-time Air Quality Modeling System aerosol and ozone assimilation and forecasting experiments during the NOAA ARCPAC field mission |
16:10-16:30 | Discussion |
16:30-17:00 | Workshop Wrap-up Speakers: Jim Meagher (NOAA), Mike Howe (EC) |