Joshua (Shuka) Schwarz

Research Physicist

Atmospheric Composition & Chemical Processes

NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
325 Broadway, R/CSL6
Boulder, CO 80305 USA





Ph.D. Physics, 1998, University of Colorado, Boulder.
M.S.  Physics, 1996, University of Colorado, Boulder.
B.S.   Physics, 1993, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


  • Consideration of the factors in the stratosphere and below that influence the Earth's radiative balance
  • In situ measurements of black carbon, bio-aerosol, and total aerosol using airborne instrumentation.
  • Particulate detection via aerosolized snow/ice/liquid samples
  • Modeling of the optical properties of bare and coated black carbon particles in the context of experimental analysis.
  • Engineering and testing of complex measurement systems in the laboratory and field
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

last modified: March 10, 2017