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June 23. Sunday. Clear and breezy with wind picking up over course of the day. Cirrus moved in from the west with high haze above the valley. Midlevel clouds were overhead by 1800 PDT. Lidar data was collected from 1324 to 23:39 PDT. The preliminary TOPAZ curtain plot shows higher ozone of presumed stratospheric origin at the beginning of the run. The high levels decreased over the next few hours. Some elevated layer of possible Asian origin were observed later in the evening with very low ozone of presumed subtropical origin measured at the surface near the end of the run. The in situ measurements decreased from 72/120 ppbv at 1153 PDT to 47/82 at the end of the run (0005 PDT). Note: the low (purple) ozone values seen near the top of the curtain plot near midday are biased by the solar background in these preliminary analyses.