Atmospheric Remote Sensing: Publications

This listing reflects articles by authors in the research program at time of publication and may not be complete. CSL Publications are updated quarterly.

Group Publications:


Bodini, N., A. Abraham, P. Doubrawa, S. Letizia, R. Thedin, N. Agarwal, B. Carmo, L. Cheung, W.C. Radünz, A. Gupta, L. Goldberger, N. Hamilton, T. Herges, B. Hirth, G.V. Iungo, A. Jordan, C. Kaul, P. Klein, R. Krishnamurthy, J.K. Lundquist, E. Maric, P. Moriarty, C. Moss, R. Newsom, Y. Pichugina, M. Puccioni, E. Quon, S. Roy, D. Rosencrans, M.S. Gomez, R. Scott, M.S. Solari, T.J. Taylor, and S. Wharton, An international benchmark for wind plant wakes from the American WAKE ExperimeNt (AWAKEN), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2767/9/092034, 2024.

Carroll, B.J., W.A. Brewer, E. Strobach, N. Lareau, S.S. Brown, M.M. Valero, A. Kochanski, C.B. Clements, R. Kahn, K.T. Junghenn Noyes, A. Makowiecki, M.W. Holloway, M. Zucker, K. Clough, J. Drucker, K. Zuraski, J. Peischl, B. McCarty, R. Marchbanks, S. Sandberg, S. Baidar, Y.L. Pichugina, R.M. Banta, A. Klofas, B. Winters, and T. Salas, Measuring coupled fire-atmosphere dynamics: The California Fire Dynamics Experiment (CalFiDE), Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-23-0012.1, 2024.

Johnson, M.S., A. Rozanov, M. Weber, N. Mettig, J. Sullivan, M.J. Newchurch, S. Kuang, T. Leblanc, F. Chouza, T.A. Berkoff, G. Gronoff, K.B. Strawbridge, R.J. Alvarez, A.O. Langford, C.J. Senff, G. Kirgis, B. McCarty, and L. Twigg, TOLNet validation of satellite ozone profiles in the troposphere: impact of retrieval wavelengths, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-17-2559-2024, 2024.

Moriarty, P., N. Bodini, S. Letizia, A. Abraham, K.B. Bärfuss, R.J. Barthelmie, A. Brewer, P. Brugger, T. Feuerle, L. Goldberger, J. Gottschall, N. Hamilton, T. Herges, B. Hirth, L.-Y. Hung, G.V. Iungo, H. Ivanov, C. Kaul, P. Klein, R. Krishnamurthy, A. Lampert, J.K. Lundquist, V.R. Morris, R. Newsom, S.C. Pryor, M. Pekour, Y. Pichugina, F. Porté-Angel, A. Scholbrock, J. Schroeder, S. Shartzer, E. Simley, L. Vöhringer, S. Wharton, and D. Zalkind, Overview of preparation for the American wake experiment (AWAKEN), Journal of Renewable and Substantional Energy, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2505/1/012049, 2024.

Pichugina, Y.L., R.M. Banta, E.J. Strobach, B.J. Carroll, W.A. Brewer, D.D. Turner, V. Wulfmeyer, E. James, T.R. Lee, S. Baidar, J.B. Olson, R.K. Newsom, H.-S. Bauer, and R. Rai, Case study of a bore wind-ramp event from lidar measurements and HRRR simulations over ARM Southern Great Plains, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, doi:10.1063/5.0161905, 2024.

Strobach, E.J., S. Baidar, B.J. Carroll, S.S. Brown, K. Zuraski, M. Coggon, C.E. Stockwell, L. Xu, Y.L. Pichugina, W.A. Brewer, C. Warneke, J. Peischl, J. Gilman, B. McCarty, M. Holloway, and R. Marchbanks, An air quality and boundary layer dynamics analysis of the Los Angeles Basin area during the Southwest Urban NOx and VOCs Experiment (SUNVEx), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-24-9277-2024, 2024.

Strobach, E.J., B.J. Carroll, S. Baidar, S. S.Brown, R. Ahmadov, W.A. Brewer, Y. Pichugina, A. Makowiecki, J. Peischl, and K. Zuraski, A case study featuring the time evolution of a fire-induced plume jet over the Rum Creek Fire: Mechanisms, processes, and dynamical interplay, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2023JD040483, 2024.

Wulfmeyer, V., C. Senff, F. Späth, A. Behrendt, D. Lange, R.M. Banta, W.A. Brewer, A. Wieser, and D.D. Turner, Profiling the molecular destruction rates of temperature and humidity as well as the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation in the convective boundary layer, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-17-1175-2024, 2024.


Banta, R.M., Y.L. Pichugina, W.A. Brewer, K.A. Balmes, B. Adler, J. Sedlar, L.S. Darby, D.D. Turner, J.S. Kenyon, E.J. Strobach, B.J. Carroll, J. Sharp, M.T. Stoelinga, J. Cline, and H.J.S. Fernando, Measurements and model improvement: Insight into NWP model error using Doppler lidar and other WFIP2 measurement systems, Monthly Weather Review, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-23-0069.1, 2023.

Elsbury, D., A.H. Butler, J.R. Albers, M.L. Breeden, and A.O. Langford, The response of the North Pacific jet and stratosphere-to-troposphere transport of ozone over western North America to RCP8.5 climate forcing, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-23-5101-2023, 2023.

Johnson, R.H., S.P. de Szoeke, P.E. Ciesielski, and W.A. Brewer, >The atmospheric boundary layer and the initiation of the MJO, Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0210.1, 2023.

Langford, A.O., C.J. Senff, R.J. Alvarez II, K.C. Aikin, R. Ahmadov, W.M. Angevine, S. Baidar, W.A. Brewer, S.S. Brown, E.P. James, B.J. McCarty, S.P. Sandberg, and M.L. Zucker, Were wildfires responsible for the unusually high surface ozone in Colorado during 2021?, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2022JD037700, 2023.

Perring, A.E., B. Mediavilla, G.D. Wilbanks, J.H. Churnside, R. Marchbanks, K.D. Lamb, and R.-S. Gao, Airborne bioaerosol observations imply a strong terrestrial source in the summertime Arctic, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2023JD039165, 2023.

Pichugina, Y., R. Banta, A. Brewer, D.D. Turner, V. Wulfmeyer, E. Strobach, S. Baidar, and B. Carroll, Doppler lidar measurements of wind variability and LLJ properties in Central Oklahoma during the August 2017 Land-Atmosphere Feedback Experiment, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-22-0128.1, 2023.

Peischl, J., K.C. Aikin, B.C. McDonald, C. Harkins, A.M. Middlebrook, A.O. Langford, O.R. Cooper, K.-L. Chang, and S.S. Brown, Quantifying anomalies of air pollutants in 9 U.S. cities during 2020 due to COVID-19 lockdowns and wildfires based on decadal trends, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, doi:10.1525/elementa.2023.00029, 2023.

Rickly, P.S., M.M. Coggon, K.C. Aikin, R.J. Alvarez II, S. Baidar, J.B. Gilman, G.I. Gkatzelis, C. Harkins, J. He, A. Lamplugh, A.O. Langford, B.C. McDonald, J. Peischl, M.A. Robinson, A.W. Rollins, R.H. Schwantes, C.J. Senff, C. Warneke, and S.S. Brown, Influence of wildfire influence on urban ozone: An observationally constrained box modeling study at a site in the Colorado Front Range, Environmental Science & Technology, doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c06157, 2023.

Strobach, E.J., A.W. Brewer, C.J. Senff, S. Baidar, and B. McCarty, Isolating and investigating updrafts induced by wildland fires using an airborne doppler lidar during FIREX-AQ, Journal of Geophysical Research>, doi:10.1029/2023JD038809, 2023.

Thornberry, T., R.-S. Gao, S. Ciciora, L. Watts, R. McLaughlin, A. Leonardi, K.H. Rosenlof, B. Argrow, J. Elston, M. Stachura, J. Fromm, A. Brewer, P. Schroeder, and M. Zucker, A lightweight remote sensing payload for wildfire detection and fire radiative power measurements, Sensors, doi:10.3390/s23073514, 2023.

Warneke, C., J.P. Schwarz, J. Dibb, O. Kalashnikova, G. Frost, F.C. Seidel, J. Al-Saadi, S.S. Brown, R.A. Washenfelder, W.A. Brewer, E.B. Wiggins, R.H. Moore, B.E. Anderson, C. Jordan, T.I. Yacovitch, S.C. Herndon, S. Liu, T. Kuwayama, D. Jaffe, N. Johnston, V. Selimovic, R. Yokelson, D.M. Giles, B.N. Holben, P. Goloub, I. Popovici, M. Trainer, A. Kumar, R.B. Pierce, D. Fahey, J. Roberts, E.M. Gargulinski, A. Soja, D.A. Peterson, X. Ye, L.H. Thapa, P.E. Saide, C.H. Fite, C.D. Holmes, S. Wang, M.M. Coggon, Z.C.J. Decker, C.E. Stockwell, L. Xu, G. Gkatzelis, K. Aikin, B. Lefer, J. Kaspari, D. Griffin, L. Zeng, R. Weber, M. Hastings, J. Chai, G.M. Wolfe, T.F. Hanisco, J. Liao, P.C. Jost, H. Guo, J.L. Jimenez, and J. Crawford, Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality (FIREX-AQ), Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2022JD037758, 2023.


Albers, J.R., A.H. Butler, A.O. Langford, D. Elsbury, and M.L. Breeden, Dynamics of ENSO-driven stratosphere-to-troposphere transport over North America, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-22-13035-2022, 2022.

Churnside, J.H., B. Concannon, and J.R. Thompson, Marine aerosols produced by ocean internal waves, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, doi:10.1117/1.JRS.16.024501, 2022.

Langford, A.O., C.J. Senff, R.J. Alvarez II, K.C. Aikin, S. Baidar, T.A. Bonin, W.A. Brewer, J. Brioude, S.S. Brown, J.D. Burley, D.J. Caputi, S.A. Conley, P.D. Cullis, Z. Decker, S. Evan, G. Kirgis, M. Lin, M. Pagowski, J. Peischl, I. Petropavlovskikh, R.B. Pierce, T.B. Ryerson, S.P. Sandberg, C.W. Sterling, A.M. Weickmann, and L. Zhang, The Fires, Asian, and Stratospheric Transport-Las Vegas Ozone Study (FAST-LVOS), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-22-1707-2022, 2022.

Späth, F., A. Behrendt, A. Brewer, D. Lange, C. Senff, D.D. Turner, T.J. Wagner, and V. Wulfmeyer, Simultaneous observations of surface layer profiles of humidity, temperature, and wind using scanning lidar instruments, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2021JD035697, 2022.

Pichugina, Y.L., R.M. Banta, W.A. Brewer, J. Kenyon, J.B. Olson, D.D. Turner, J. Wilczak, S. Baidar, J.K. Lundquist, W.J. Shaw, and S. Wharton, Model evaluation by measurements from co-located remote sensors in complex terrain, Weather and Forecasting, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-21-0214.1, 2021.

Quinn, P., T. Bates, D. Coffman, L. Upchurch, J. Johnson, A. Brewer, S. Baidar, I. McCoy, and P. Zuidema, Wintertime observations of tropical northwest Atlantic aerosol properties during ATOMIC: Varying mixtures of dust and biomass burning, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2021JD036253, 2022.

Zhou, Y., Y. Chen, H. Zhao, C. Jamet, D. Dionisi, M. Chami, P.D. Girolamo, J.H. Churnside, A. Malinka, H. Zhao, D. Qiu, T. Cui, Q. Liu, Y. Chen, S. Phongphattarawat, N. Wang, S. Chen, P. Chen, Z. Yao, C. Le, Y. Tao, P. Xu, X. Wang, B. Wang, F. Chen, C. Ye, K. Zhang, C. Liu, and D. Liu, Shipborne oceanic high-spectral-resolution lidar for accurate estimation of seawater depth-resolved optical properties, Light: Science and Applications, doi:10.1038/s41377-022-00951-0, 2022.


Albers, J.R., A.H. Butler, M.L. Breeden, A.O. Langford, and G.N. Kiladis, Subseasonal prediction of springtime Pacific-North American transport using upper-level wind forecasts, Weather and Climate Dynamics, doi:10.5194/wcd-2-433-2021, 2021.

Banta, R.M., Y.L. Pichugina, L.S. Darby, W.A. Brewer, J.B. Olson, J.S. Kenyon, S. Baidar, S.G. Benjamin, H.J.S. Fernando, K.O. Lantz, J.K. Lundquist, B.J. McCarty, T. Marke, S.P. Sandberg, J. Sharp, W.J. Shaw, M.T. Stoelinga, D.D. Turner, J.M. Wilczak, and R. Worsnop, Doppler-lidar evaluation of HRRR-model skill at simulating summertime wind regimes in the Columbia River basin during WFIP2, Weather and Forecasting, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-21-0012.1, 2021.

Breeden, M.L., A.H. Butler, J.R. Albers, M. Sprenger, and A.O. Langford, The spring transition of the North Pacific jet and its relation to deep stratosphere-to-troposphere mass transport over western North America, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-21-2781-2021, 2021.

Churnside, J.H., R.D. Marchbanks, and N. Marshall, Airborne lidar observations of a spring phytoplankton bloom in the western Arctic Ocean, Remote Sensing>, doi:10.3390/rs13132512, 2021.

Darby, L.S., C.J. Senff, R.J. Alvarez II, R.M. Banta, L. Bianco, D. Helmig, and A.B. White, Spatial and temporal variability of ozone along the Colorado Front Range occurring over two days with contrasting wind flow, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, doi:10.1525/elementa.2020.00146, 2021.

Draxl, C., R.P. Worsnop, G. Xia, Y. Pichugina, D. Chand, J.K. Lundquist, J. Sharp, G. Wedam, J.M. Wilczak, and L.K. Berg, Mountain waves impact wind power generation, Wind Energy Science, doi:10.5194/wes-6-45-2021, 2021.

Gronoff, G., T. Berkoff, K.E. Knowland, L. Lei, M. Shook, B. Fabbri, W. Carrion, and A.O. Langford, Case study of stratospheric Intrusion above Hampton, Virginia: Lidar-observation and modeling analysis, Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118498, 2021.

Hallar, A.G., S.S. Brown, E. Crosman, K.C. Barsanti, C.D. Cappa, I. Faloona, J. Fast, H.A. Holmes, J. Horel, J. Lin, A. Middlebrook, L. Mitchell, J. Murphy, C.C. Womack, V. Aneja, M. Baasandorj, R. Bahreini, R. Banta, C. Bray, A. Brewer, D. Caulton, J. de Gouw, S.F.J. De Wekker, D.K. Farmer, C.J. Gaston, S. Hoch, F. Hopkins, N.N. Karle, J.T. Kelly, K. Kelly, N. Lareau, K. Lu, R.L. Mauldin III, D.V. Mallia, R. Martin, D.L. Mendoza, H.J. Oldroyd, Y. Pichugina, K.A. Pratt, P.E. Saide, P.J. Silva, W. Simpson, B.B. Stephens, J. Stutz, and A. Sullivan, Coupled air quality and boundary-layer meteorology in western U.S. basins during winter: Design and rationale for a comprehensive study, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0017.1, 2021.

Stevens, B., S. Bony, D. Farrell, F. Ament, A. Blyth, C. Fairall, J. Karstensen, P.K. Quinn, S. Speich, C. Acquistapace, F. Aemisegger, A.L. Albright, H. Bellenger, E. Bodenschatz, K.-A. Caesar, R. Chewitt-Lucas, G. de Boer, J. Delanoë, L. Denby, F. Ewald, B. Fildier, M. Forde, G. George, S. Gross, M. Hagen, A. Hausold, K.J. Heywood, L. Hirsch, M. Jacob, F. Jansen, S. Kinne, D. Klocke, T. Kölling, H. Konow, M. Lothon, W. Mohr, A.K. Naumann, L. Nuijens, L. Olivier, R. Pincus, M. Pöhlker, G. Reverdin, G. Roberts, S. Schnitt, H. Schulz, A.P. Siebesma, C.C. Stephan, P. Sullivan, L. Touzé-Peiffer, J. Vial, R. Vogel, P. Zuidema, N. Alexander, L. Alves, S. Arixi, H. Asmath, G. Bagheri, K. Baier, A. Bailey, D. Baranowski, A. Baron, S. Barrau, P.A. Barrett, F. Batier, A. Behrendt, A. Bendinger, F. Beucher, S. Bigorre, E. Blades, P. Blossey, O. Bock, S. Böing, P. Bosser, D. Bourras, P. Bouruet-Aubertot, K. Bower, P. Branellec, H. Branger, M. Brennek, A. Brewer, P.-E. Brilouet, B. Brügmann, S.A. Buehler, E. Burke, R. Burton, R. Calmer, J.-C. Canonici, X. Carton, G. Cato Jr., J.A. Charles, P. Chazette, Y. Chen, M.T. Chilinski, T. Choularton, P. Chuang, S. Clarke, H. Coe, C. Cornet, P. Coutris, F. Couvreux, S. Crewell, T. Cronin, Z. Cui, Y. Cuypers, A. Daley, G.M. Damerell, T. Dauhut, H. Deneke, J.-P. Desbios, S. Dörner, S. Donner, V. Douet, K. Drushka, M. Dütsch, A. Ehrlich, K. Emanuel, A. Emmanouilidis, J.-C. Etienne, S. Etienne-Leblanc, G. Faure, G. Feingold, L. Ferrero, A. Fix, C. Flamant, P.J. Flatau, G.R. Foltz, L. Forster, I. Furtuna, A. Gadian, J. Galewsky, M. Gallagher, P. Gallimore, C. Gaston, C. Gentemann, N. Geyskens, A. Giez, J. Gollop, I. Gouirand, C. Gourbeyre, D. de Graaf, G.E. de Groot, R. Grosz, J. Güttler, M. Gutleben, K. Hall, G. Harris, K.C. Helfer, D. Henze, C. Herbert, B. Holanda, A. Ibanez-Landeta, J. Intrieri, S. Iyer, F. Julien, H. Kalesse, J. Kazil, A. Kellman, A.T. Kidane, U. Kirchner, M. Klingebiel, M. Körner, L.A. Kremper, J. Kretzschmar, O. Krüger, W. Kumala, A. Kurz, P. L'Hégaret, M. Labaste, T. Lachlan-Cope, A. Laing, P. Landschützer, T. Lang, D. Lange, I. Lange, C. Laplace, G. Lavik, R. Laxenaire, C. Le Bihan, M. Leandro, N. Lefevre, M. Lena, D. Lenschow, Q. Li, G. Lloyd, S. Los, N. Losi, O. Lovell, C. Luneau, P. Makuch, S. Malinowski, G. Manta, E. Marinou, N. Marsden, S. Masson, N. Maury, B. Mayer, M. Mayers-Als, C. Mazel, W. McGeary, J.C. McWilliams, M. Mech, M. Mehlmann, A.N. Meroni, T. Mieslinger, A. Minikin, P. Minnett, G. Möller, Y.M. Avalos, C. Muller, I. Musat, A. Napoli, A. Neuberger, C. Noisel, D. Noone, F. Nordsiek, J.L. Nowak, L. Oswald, D.J. Parker, C. Peck, R. Person, M. Philippi, A. Plueddemann, C. Pöhlker, V. Pörtge, U. Pöschl, L. Pologne, M. Posyniak, M. Prange, E.Q. Meléndez, J. Radtke, K. Ramage, J. Reimann, L. Renault, K. Reus, A. Reyes, J. Ribbe, M. Ringel, M. Ritschel, C.B. Rocha, N. Rochetin, J. Röttenbacher, C. Rollo, H. Royer, P. Sadoulet, L. Saffin, S. Sandiford, I. Sandu, M. Schäfer, V. Schemann, I. Schirmacher, O. Schlenczek, J. Schmidt, M. Schröder, A. Schwarzenboeck, A. Sealy, C.J. Senff, I. Serikov, S. Shohan, E. Siddle, A. Smirnov, F. Späth, B. Spooner, M.K. Stolla, W. Szkółka, S.P. de Szoeke, S. Tarot, E. Tetoni, E. Thompson, J. Thomson, L. Tomassini, J. Totems, A.A. Ubele, L. Villiger, J. von Arx, T. Wagner, A. Walther, B. Webber, M. Wendisch, S. Whitehall, A. Wiltshire, A.A. Wing, M. Wirth, J. Wiskandt, K. Wolf, L. Worbes, E. Wright, V. Wulfmeyer, S. Young, C. Zhang, D. Zhang, F. Ziemen, T. Zinner, and M. Zöger, EUREC4A, Earth System Science Data, doi:10.5194/essd-13-4067-2021, 2021.

Quinn, P.K., E.J. Thompson, D.J. Coffman, S. Baidar, L. Bariteau, T.S. Bates, S. Bigorre, A. Brewer, G. de Boer, S.P. de Szoeke, K. Drushka, G.R. Foltz, J. Intrieri, S. Iyer, C.W. Fairall, C.J. Gaston, F. Jansen, J.E. Johnson, O.O. Krüger, R.D. Marchbanks, K.P. Moran, D. Noone, S. Pezoa, R. Pincus, A.J. Plueddemann, M.L. Pöhlker, U. Pöschl, E.Q. Melendez, H.M. Royer, M. Szczodrak, J. Thomson, L.M. Upchurch, C. Zhang, D. Zhang, and P. Zuidema, Measurements from the RV Ronald H. Brown and related platforms as part of the Atlantic Tradewind Ocean-Atmosphere Mesoscale Interaction Campaign (ATOMIC), Earth System Science Data, doi:10.5194/essd-13-1759-2021, 2021.

Vannoy, T.C., J. Belford, J.N. Aist, K.R. Rust, M.R. Roddewig, J.H. Churnside, J.A. Shaw, and B.M. Whitaker, Machine learning-based region of interest detection in airborne lidar fisheries surveys, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, doi:10.1117/1.JRS.15.038503, 2021.

Wang, B., S. Kuang, G.G. Pfister, A. Pour-Biazar, R.R. Buchholz, A.O. Langford, and M.J. Newchurch, Impact of the 2016 southeastern US wildfires on the vertical distribution of ozone and aerosol at Huntsville, Alabama, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2021JD034796, 2021.


Balashov, N.V., K.J. Davis, N.L. Miles, T. Lauvaux, S.J. Richardson, Z.R. Barkley, and T.A. Bonin, Background heterogeneity and other uncertainties in estimating urban methane flux: Results from the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-20-4545-2020, 2020.

Banta, R.M., Y.L. Pichugina, W.A. Brewer, A. Choukulkar, K. Lantz, J.B. Olson, J. Kenyon, H.J.S. Fernando, R. Krishnamurthy, M.J. Stoelinga, J. Sharp, L.S. Darby, D.D. Turner, S. Baidar, and S.P. Sandberg, Characterizing NWP model errors using doppler-lidar measurements of recurrent regional diurnal flows: Marine-air intrusions into the Columbia River basin, Monthly Weather Review, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-19-0188.1, 2020.

Behrendt, A., V. Wulfmeyer, C. Senff, S.K. Muppa, F. Späth, D. Lange, N. Kalthoff, and A. Wieser, Observation of sensible and latent heat flux profiles with lidar, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-13-3221-2020, 2020.

Churnside, J., and J. Shaw, Lidar remote sensing of the aquatic environment, Applied Optics, doi:10.1364/AO.59.000C92, 2020.

de Szoeke, S.P., T. Marke, and W.A. Brewer, Diurnal ocean surface warming drives convective turbulence in the atmosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2020GL091299, 2020.

Faloona, I.C., S. Chiao, A.J. Eiserloh, R.J. Alvarez II, G. Kirgis, A.O. Langford, C.J. Senff, D. Caputi, A. Hu, L.T. Iraci, E.L. Yates, J.E. Marrero, J.-M. Ryoo, S. Conley, S. Tanrikulu, J. Xu, and T. Kuwayama, The California Baseline Ozone Transport Study (CABOTS), Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0302.1, 2020.

Kuang, S., B. Wang, M.J. Newchurch, K. Knupp, P. Tucker, E.W. Eloranta, J.P. Garcia, I. Razenkov, J.T. Sullivan, T.A. Berkoff, G. Gronoff, L. Lei, C.J. Senff, A.O. Langford, T. Leblanc, and V. Natraj, Evaluation of UV aerosol retrievals from an ozone lidar, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-13-5277-2020, 2020.

Langford, A.O., R.J. Alvarez II, J. Brioude, D. Caputi, S.A. Conley, S. Evan, I.C. Faloona, L.T. Iraci, G. Kirgis, J.E. Marrero, J.-M. Ryoo, C.J. Senff, and E.L. Yates, Ozone production in the Soberanes smoke haze: Implications for air quality in the San Joaquin Valley during the California Baseline Ozone Transport Study, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2019JD031777, 2020.

Pichugina, Y., R.M. Banta, W.A. Brewer, L. Bianco, C. Draxl, J. Kenyon, J.K. Lundquist, J.B. Olson, D.D. Turner, S. Wharton, J. Wilczak, S. Baidar, L.K. Berg, H.J.S. Fernando, B.J. McCarty, R. Rai, B. Roberts, J. Sharp, W.J. Shaw, M.T. Stoelinga, and R. Worsnop, Evaluating the WFIP2 updates to the HRRR model using scanning Doppler lidar measurements in the complex terrain of the Columbia River Basin, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, doi: 10.1063/5.0009138, 2020.

Rai, R., L. Berg, R. Newsom, C. Kaul, J. Mirocha, A. Choukulkar, A. Brewer, Y. Pichugina, and R. Banta, Characterization of turbulence under different stability conditions using lidar scanning data, Journal of Physics, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1452/1/012085, 2020.

Roddewig, M.R., J.H. Churnside, and J.A. Shaw, Lidar measurements of the diffuse attenuation coefficient in Yellowstone Lake, Applied Optics, doi:10.1364/AO.389169, 2020.

Schill, G.P., K.D. Froyd, H. Bian, A. Kupc, C. Williamson, C.A. Brock, E. Ray, R.S. Hornbrook, A.J. Hills, E.C. Apel, M. Chin, P.R. Colarco, and D.M. Murphy, Widespread biomass burning smoke throughout the remote troposphere, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/s41561-020-0586-1, 2020.

Schroeder, P., W.A. Brewer, A. Choukulkar, A. Weickmann, M. Zucker, M. Holloway, and S. Sandberg, A compact, flexible, and robust micro pulsed Doppler Lidar, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0142.1, 2020.

Zhang, L., M. Lin, A.O. Langford, L.W. Horowitz, C.J. Senff, E. Klovenski, Y. Wang, R.J. Alvarez II, I. Petropavlovskikh, P. Cullis, C.W. Sterling, J. Peischl, T.B. Ryerson, S.S. Brown, Z.C.J. Decker, G. Kirgis, and S. Conley, Characterizing sources of high surface ozone events in the southwestern U.S. with intensive field measurements and two global models, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-20-10379-2020, 2020.


Bianco, L., I.V. Djalalova, J.M. Wilczak, J.B. Olson, J.S. Kenyon, A. Choukulkar, L.K. Berg, H.J.S. Fernando, E.P. Grimit, R. Krishnamurthy, J.K. Lundquist, P. Muradyan, M. Pekour, Y. Pichugina, M.T. Stoelinga, and D.D. Turner, Impact of model improvements on 80-m wind speeds during the second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP2), Geoscientific Model Development, doi:10.5194/gmd-12-4803-2019, 2019.

Caicedo, V., B. Rappenglueck, G. Cuchiara, J. Flynn, R. Ferrare, A.J. Scarino, T. Berkoff, C. Senff, A. Langford, and B. Lefer, Bay and sea-breeze circulations impacts on the planetary boundary layer and air quality from an observed and modeled DISCOVER-AQ Texas case study, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1029/2019JD030523, 2019.

Churnside, J.H., and R.D. Marchbanks, Calibration of an airborne oceanographic lidar using ocean backscattering measurements from space, Optics Express, doi:10.1364/OE.27.00A536, 2019.

Churnside, J.H., R.D. Marchbanks, S. Vagle, S.W. Bell, and P.J. Stabeno, Stratification, plankton layers, and mixing measured by airborne lidar in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas, Deep Sea Research II, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2020.104742, 2020.

Draxl, C., L.K. Berg, L. Bianco, T.A. Bonin, A. Choukulkar, A. Clifton, J.W. Cline, I.V. Djalalova, V. Ghate, E.P. Grimit, K. Holub, J.S. Kenyon, K. Lantz, C. Long, J.K. Lundquist, J. McCaa, K. McCaffrey, J.F. Newman, J.B. Olson, Y. Pichugina, J. Sharp, W.J. Shaw, N.H. Smith, and M.D. Toy, The verification and validation strategy within the Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP 2), NREL Technical Report, NREL/TP-5000-72553, (2019).

Jamet, C., A. Ibrahim, Z. Ahmad, F. Angelini, M. Babin, M. Behrenfeld, E. Boss, B. Cairns, J. Churnside, J. Chowdhary, A.B. Davis, D. Dionisi, L. Duforêt-Gaurier, B. Franz, R. Frouin, M. Gao, D. Gray, O. Hasekamp, X. He, C. Hostetler, O.V. Kalashnikova, K. Knobelspiesse, L. Lacour, H. Loisel, V. Martins, E. Rehm, L. Remer, I. Sanhaj, K. Stamnes, S. Stamnes, S. Victori, J. Werdel, and P.-W. Zhai, Going beyond standard ocean color observations: Lidar and polarimetry, Frontiers in Marine Science, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00251, 2019.

McCaffrey, K., J.M. Wilczak, L. Bianco, E. Grimit, J. Sharp, R. Banta, K. Friedrich, H.J.S. Fernando, R. Krishnamurthy, L. Leo, and P. Muradyan, Identification and characterization of persistent cold pool events from temperature and wind profilers in the Columbia River basin, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-19-0046.1, 2019.

McMichael, L.A., F. Yang, T. Marke, U. Löhnert, D.B. Mechem, A.M. Vogelmann, K. Sanchez, M. Tuononen, and J.H. Schween, Characterizing subsiding shells in shallow cumulus using Doppler lidar and large‐eddy simulation, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2020GL089699, 2020.

Moore, T.S., J.H. Churnside, J.M. Sullivan, M.S. Twardowski, A.R. Nayak, M.N. McFarland, N.D. Stockley, R.W. Gould, T.H. Johengen, and S.A. Ruberg, Vertical distributions of blooming cyanobacteria populations in a freshwater lake from LIDAR observations, Remote Sensing of Environment, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2019.02.025, 2019.

Olson, J.B., J.S. Kenyon, I. Djalalova, L. Bianco, D.D. Turner, Y. Pichugina, A. Choukulkar, M.D. Toy, J.M. Brown, W.M. Angevine, E. Akish, J.-W. Bao, P. Jimenez, B. Kosovic, K.A. Lundquist, C. Draxl, J. K.Lundquist, J. McCaa, K. McCaffrey, K. Lantz, C. Long, J. Wilczak, R. Banta, M. Marquis, S. Redfern, L.K. Berg, W. Shaw, and J. Cline, Improving Wind Energy Forecasting through Numerical Weather Prediction Model Development, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0040.1, 2019.

Pichugina, Y., R. Banta, T. Bonin, A. Brewer, A. Choukulkar, B. McCarty, H.S. Fernando, J. Kenyon, R. Krishnamurthy, M. Marquis, J. Olson, J. Sharp, and M. Stoelinga, Spatial variability of winds and HRRR-NCEP model error statistics at three Doppler-lidar sites in the wind-energy generation region of the Columbia River basin, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0244.1, 2019.

Wilczak, J.M., M. Stoelinga, L.K. Berg, J. Sharp, C. Draxl, K. McCaffrey, R.M. Banta, L. Bianco, I. Djalalova, J.K. Lundquist, P. Muradyan, A. Choukulkar, L. Leo, T. Bonin, Y. Pichugina, R. Eckman, C.N. Long, K. Lantz, R.P. Worsnop, J. Bickford, N. Bodini, D. Chand, A. Clifton, J. Cline, D.R. Cook, H.J.S. Fernando, K. Friedrich, R. Krishnamurthy, M. Marquis, J. McCaa, J.B. Olson, S. Otarola-Bustos, G. Scott, W.J. Shaw, S. Wharton, and A.B. White, The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project (WFIP2): Observational field campaign, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-18-0035.1, 2019.


Baidar, S., S. Tucker, M. Beaubien, and R. Hardesty, The Optical Autocovariance Wind Lidar, Part II : Green OAWL (GrOAWL) airborne performance and validation, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-18-0025.1, 2018.

Banta, R.M., Y.L. Pichugina, W.A. Brewer, E.P. James, J.B. Olson, S.G. Benjamin, J.R. Carley, L. Bianco, I.V. Djalalova, J.M. Wilczak, R.M. Hardesty, J. Cline, and M.C. Marquis, Evaluating and improving NWP forecast models for the future: How the needs of offshore wind energy can point the way, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-16-0310.1, 2018.

Bonin, T.A., B. Carrol, R.M. Hardesty, W.A. Brewer, K. Hajny, O. Salmon, and P. Shepson, Doppler lidar observations of the mixing height in Indianapolis using an automated composite fuzzy logic approach, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-17-0159.1, 2018.

Churnside, J.H., J.W. Hair, C.A. Hostetler, and A.J. Scarino, Ocean backscatter profiling using high-spectral-resolution lidar and a perturbation retrieval, Remote Sensing, doi:10.3390/rs10122003, 2018.

Jaffe, D.A., O.R. Cooper, A.M. Fiore, B.H. Henderson, G.S. Tonnesen, A.G. Russell, D.K. Henze, A.O. Langford, M. Lin, and T. Moore, Scientific assessment of background ozone over the U.S.: Implications for air quality management, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, doi:10.1525/elementa.309, 2018.

Langford, A.O., R.J. Alvarez II, J. Brioude, S. Evan, L.T. Iraci, G. Kirgis, S. Kuang, T. Leblanc, M.J. Newchurch, R.B. Pierce, C.J. Senff, and E.L. Yates, Coordinated profiling of stratospheric intrusions and transported pollution by the Tropospheric Ozone Lidar Network (TOLNet) and NASA Alpha Jet Experiment (AJAX): Observations and comparison to HYSPLIT, RAQMS, and FLEXPART, Atmospheric Environment, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.11.031, 2018.

Leblanc, T., M.A. Brewer, P.S. Wang, M.J. Granados-Muñoz, K.B. Strawbridge, M. Travis, B. Firanski, J.T. Sullivan, T.J. McGee, G.K. Sumnicht, L.W. Twigg, T.A. Berkoff, W. Carrion, G. Gronoff, A. Aknan, G. Chen, R.J. Alvarez, A.O. Langford, C.J. Senff, G. Kirgis, M.S. Johnson, S. Kuang, and M.J. Newchurch, Validation of the TOLNet Lidars: The Southern California Ozone Observation Project (SCOOP), Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-11-6137-2018, 2018.

Roddewig, M.R., J.H. Churnside, F.R. Hauer, J. Williams, P.E. Bigelow, T.M. Koel, and J.A. Shaw, Airborne lidar detection and mapping of invasive lake trout in Yellowstone Lake, Applied Optics, doi:10.1364/AO.57.004111, 2018.

Tucker, S., C. Weimer, S. Baidar, and R. Hardesty, The Optical Autocovariance Wind Lidar, Part I: OAWL instrument development and demonstration, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-18-0024.1, 2018.

Turner, D.D., V. Wulfmeyer, A. Behrendt, T. Bonin, A. Choukulkar, R.K. Newsom, W.A. Brewer, and D. Cook, Response of the land-atmosphere system over north-central Oklahoma during the 2017 eclipse, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2017GL076908, 2018.

Wulfmeyer, V., D.D. Turner, B. Baker, R. Banta, A. Behrendt, T. Bonin, W.A. Brewer, M. Buban, A. Choukulkar, E. Dumas, R.M. Hardesty, T. Heus, J. Ingwersen, D. Lange, T.R. Lee, S. Metzendorf, S.K. Muppa, T. Meyers, R. Newsom, M. Osman, S. Raasch, J. Santanello, C. Senff, F. Späth, T. Wagner, and T. Weckwerth, A new research approach for observing and characterizing land-atmosphere feedback, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0009.1, 2018.


Albers, J.A., J. Perlwitz, A.H. Butler, T. Birner, G.N. Kiladis, Z.D. Lawrence, G.L. Manney, A.O. Langford, and J. Dias, Mechanisms governing interannual variability of stratosphere to troposphere ozone transport, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1002/2017JD026890, 2017.

Bonin, T.A., and W.A. Brewer, Detection of range folded returns in Doppler lidar observations, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, doi:10.1109/LGRS.2017.2652360, 2017.

Bonin, T.A., A. Choukulkar, W.A. Brewer, S.P. Sandberg, A.M. Weickmann, Y. Pichugina, R.M. Banta, S.P. Oncley, and D.E. Wolfe, Evaluation of Turbulence Measurement Techniques from a Single Doppler Lidar, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-10-3021-2017, 2017.

Choukulkar, A., W.A. Brewer, S.P. Sandberg, A. Weickmann, T.A. Bonin, R.M. Hardesty, J.K. Lundquist, R. Delgado, G.V. Iungo, R. Ashton, M. Debnath, L. Bianco, J.M. Wilczak, S. Oncley, and D. Wolfe, Evaluation of single and multiple Doppler lidar techniques to measure complex flow during the XPIA field campaign, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-10-247-2017, 2017.

Churnside, J., Review of profiling oceanographic lidar (erratum), Optical Engineering, doi:10.1117/1.oe.56.7.079802, 2017.

Churnside, J.H., and R.D. Marchbanks, Inversion of oceanographic profiling lidars by a perturbation to a linear regression, Applied Optics, doi:10.1364/AO.56.005228, 2017.

Churnside, J.H., R.D. Marchbanks, C. Lembke, and J. Beckler, Optical backscattering measured by airborne lidar and underwater glider, Remote Sensing, doi:10.3390/rs9040379, 2017.

Churnside, J.H., R.J.D. Wells, K.M. Boswell, J.A. Quinlan, R.D. Marchbanks, B.J. McCarty, and T.T. Sutton, Surveying the distribution and abundance of flying fishes and other epipelagics in the northern Gulf of Mexico using airborne lidar, Bulletin of Marine Science, doi:10.5343/bms.2016.1039, 2017.

Davis, K.J., A. Deng, T. Lauvaux, N.L. Miles, S.J. Richardson, D.P. Sarmiento, K.R. Gurney, R.M. Hardesty, T.A. Bonin, W.A. Brewer, B.K. Lamb, P.B. Shepson, R.M. Harvey, M.O. Cambaliza, C. Sweeney, J.C. Turnbull, J. Whetstone, and A. Karion, The Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX): A test-bed for developing urban greenhouse gas emission measurements, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, doi:10.1525/elementa.188, 2017.

Debnath, M., G.V. Iungo, R. Ashton, W.A. Brewer, A. Choukulkar, R. Delgado, J.K. Lundquist, W.J. Shaw, J.M. Wilczak, and D. Wolfe, Vertical profiles of the 3-D wind velocity retrieved from multiple wind lidars performing triple range-height-indicator scans, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-10-431-2017, 2017.

Debnath, M., G.V. Iungo, W.A. Brewer, A. Choukulkar, R. Delgado, S. Gunter, J.K. Lundquist, J.L. Schroeder, J.M. Wilczak, and D. Wolfe, Assessment of virtual towers performed with scanning wind lidars and Ka-band radars during the XPIA experiment, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-10-1215-2017, 2017.

Deng, A., T. Lauvaux, K.J. Davis, B.J. Gaudet, N. Miles, S.J. Richardson, K. Wu, D.P. Sarmiento, R.M. Hardesty, T.A. Bonin, W.A. Brewer, and K.R. Gurney, Toward reduced transport errors in a high resolution urban CO2 inversion system, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, doi:10.1525/elementa.133, 2017.

Eberhard, W.L., Accuracy of maximum likelihood and least-squares estimates in the lidar slope method with noisy data, Applied Optics, doi:10.1364/AO.56.002667, 2017.

Kille, N., S. Baidar, P. Handley, I. Ortega, R. Sinreich, O.R. Cooper, F. Hase, J.W. Hannigan, G. Pfister, and R. Volkamer, The CU Mobile Solar Occultation Flux instrument: structure functions and emission rates of NH3, NO2 and C2H6, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-10-373-2017, 2017.

Kurdzo, J.M., F. Nai, D.J. Bodine, T.A. Bonin, R.D. Palmer, B.L. Cheong, J. Lujan, A. Mahre, and A.D. Byrd, Observations of severe local storms and tornadoes with the atmospheric imaging radar, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00266.1, 2017.

Langford, A.O., R.J. Alvarez II, R. Fine, M. Gustin, M.Y. Lin, R.D. Marchbanks, R.B. Pierce, S.P. Sandberg, C.J. Senff, A.M. Weickmann, and E.J. Williams, Entrainment of stratospheric air and Asian pollution by the convective boundary layer in the southwestern U.S., Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1002/2016JD025987, 2017.

Lundquist, J.K., J.M. Wilczak, R. Ashton, L. Bianco, W.A. Brewer, A. Choukulkar, A. Clifton, M. Debnath, R. Delgado, K. Friedrich, S. Gunter, A. Hamidi, G.V. Iungo, A. Kaushik, B. Kosovic, P. Langan, A. Lass, E. Lavin, J.C. Lee, K.L. McCaffrey, R.K. Newsom, D.C. Noone, S.P. Oncley, P.T. Quelet, S.P. Sandberg, J.L. Schroeder, W.J. Shaw, L. Sparling, C.S. Martin, A.S. Pe, E. Strobach, K. Tay, B.J. Vanderwende, A. Weickmann, D. Wolfe, and R. Worsnop, Assessing state-of-the-art capabilities for probing the atmospheric boundary layer: The XPIA field campaign, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00151.1, 2017.

McCaffrey, K., P.T. Quelet, A. Choukulkar, J.M. Wilczak, D.E. Wolfe, S.P. Oncley, W.A. Brewer, M. Debnath, R. Ashton, G.V. Iungo, and J.K. Lundquist, Identification of tower-wake distortions using sonic anemometer and lidar measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-10-393-2017, 2017.

Newsom, R.K., W.A. Brewer, J.M. Wilczak, D.E. Wolfe, S.P. Oncley, and J.K. Lundquist, Validating precision estimates in horizontal wind measurements from a Doppler lidar, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-10-1229-2017, 2017.

Pan, L.L., E.L. Atlas, R.J. Salawitch, S.B. Honomichl, J.F. Bresch, W.J. Randel, E.C. Apel, R.S. Hornbrook, A.J. Weinheimer, D.C. Anderson, S.J. Andrews, S. Baidar, S.P. Beaton, T.L. Campos, L.J. Carpenter, D. Chen, B. Dix, V. Donets, S.R. Hall, T.F. Hanisco, C.R. Homeyer, L.G. Huey, J.B. Jensen, L. Kaser, D.E. Kinnison, T.K. Koenig, J.-F. Lamarque, C. Liu, J. Luo, Z.J. Luo, D.D. Montzka, J.M. Nicely, R.B. Pierce, D.D. Riemer, T. Robinson, P. Romashkin, A. Saiz-Lopez, S. Schauffler, O. Shieh, M.H. Stell, K. Ullmann, G. Vaughan, R. Volkamer, and G. Wolfe, The Convective Transport of Active Species in the Tropics (CONTRAST) experiment, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00272.1, 2017.

Pichugina, Y.L., R.M. Banta, J.B. Olson, J.R. Carley, M.C. Marquis, W.A. Brewer, J.M. Wilczak, I. Djalalova, L. Bianco, E.P. James, S.G. Benjamin, and J. Cline, Assessment of NWP forecast models in simulating offshore winds through the lower boundary layer by measurements from a ship-based scanning Doppler lidar, Monthly Weather Review, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0442.1, 2017.

Pichugina, Y.L., W.A. Brewer, R.M. Banta, A. Choukulkar, C. Clack, M. Marquis, B.J. McCarty, A.M. Weickmann, S.P. Sandberg, R.D. Marchbanks, and R.M. Hardesty, Properties of the offshore low level jet and rotor layer wind shear as measured by scanning Doppler lidar, Wind Energy, doi:10.1002/we.2075, 2017.

Roddewig, M.R., J.H. Churnside, and J.A. Shaw, Airborne Lidar Detection of an Underwater Thermal Vent, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, doi:10.1117/1.JRS.11.036014, 2017.

Roddewig, M.R., N.J. Pust, J.H. Churnside, and J.A. Shaw, Dual-polarization airborne lidar for freshwater fisheries management and research, Optical Engineering, doi:10.1117/1.OE.56.3.031221, 2017.

Bonin, T.A., A. Choukulkar, W.A. Brewer, S.P. Sandberg, A.M. Weickmann, Y. Pichugina, R.M. Banta, S.P. Oncley, and D.E. Wolfe, Evaluation of turbulence measurement mechniques from a single doppler lidar, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-10-3021-2017, 2017.

Wang, L., M.J. Newchurch, R.J. Alvarez, T.A. Berkoff, S.S. Brown, W. Carrion, R.J. De Young, B.J. Johnson, R. Ganoe, G. Gronoff, G. Kirgis, S. Kuang, A.O. Langford, T. Leblanc, E. E.McDuffie, T.J. McGee, D. Pliutau, C.J. Senff, J.T. Sullivan, G. Sumnicht, L.W. Twigg, and A.J. Weinheimer, Quantifying TOLNet Ozone Lidar Accuracy during the 2014 DISCOVER-AQ and FRAPPÉ Campaigns, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-10-3865-2017, 2017.


Baidar, S., N. Kille, I. Ortega, R. Sinreich, D. Thomson, J. Hannigan, and R. Volkamer, Development of a digital mobile solar tracker, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-9-963-2016, 2016.

Bonin, T.A., J.F. Newman, P.M. Klein, P.B. Chilson, and S. Wharton, Improvement of vertical velocity statistics measured by a Doppler lidar through comparison with sonic anemometer observations, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-9-5833-2016, 2016.

Choukulkar, A., Y. Pichugina, C.T.M. Clack, R. Calhoun, R. Banta, W.A. Brewer, and M. Hardesty, A new formulation for rotor equivalent wind speed for wind resource assessment and wind power forecasting, Wind Energy, doi:10.1002/we.1929, 2016.

Churnside, J.H., R.D. Marchbanks, P.L. Donaghay, J.M. Sullivan, W.M. Graham, and R.J.D. Wells, Hollow aggregations of moon jellyfish (Aurelia spp.), Journal of Plankton Research, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv092, 2016.

Creamean, J.M., P.J. Neiman, T. Coleman, C.J. Senff, G. Kirgis, R.J. Alvarez, and A. Yamamoto, Colorado air quality impacted by long-range-transported aerosol: a set of case studies during the 2015 Pacific Northwest fires, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-16-12329-2016, 2016.

Kim, S.-W., B.C. McDonald, S. Baidar, S.S. Brown, W.P. Dube, R.A. Ferrare, G.J. Frost, R.A. Harley, J.S. Holloway, H.-J. Lee, S.A. McKeen, J.A. Neuman, J.B. Nowak, H. Oetjen, I. Ortega, I.B. Pollack, J.M. Roberts, T.B. Ryerson, A.J. Scarino, C.J. Senff, R. Thalman, M. Trainer, R. Volkamer, N.L. Wagner, R.A. Washenfelder, E. Waxman, and C.J. Young, Modeling the weekly cycle of NOx and CO emissions and their impacts on O3 in the Los Angeles-South Coast Air Basin during the CalNex 2010 field campaign, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1002/2015JD024292, 2016.

McCarty, B.J., and J.H. Churnside, Comparing near surface measurements of wind speed and direction over the Indian Ocean from Lidar and Scatterometer, and results from predictive study using the wind shear power law and the surface roughness log law to model upper level winds from near surface measurements, NOAA Technical Memorandum, OAR ESRL-CSD 0001, doi:10.7289/V5X63JZV, 2016.

McDuffie, E.E., P.M. Edwards, J.B. Gilman, B.M. Lerner, W.P. Dubé, M. Trainer, D.E. Wolfe, W.M. Angevine, J. deGouw, E.J. Williams, A.G. Tevlin, J. Murphy, E.V. Fischer, S. McKeen, T.B. Ryerson, J. Peischl, J.S. Holloway, K. Aikin, A.O. Langford, C.J. Senff, R.J. Alvarez II, S.R. Hall, K. Ullmann, K.O. Lantz, and S.S. Brown, Influence of oil and gas emissions on summertime ozone in the Colorado northern Front Range, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1002/2016JD025265, 2016.

Min, K.-E., R.A. Washenfelder, W.P. Dubé, A.O. Langford, P.M. Edwards, K.J. Zarzana, J. Stutz, K. Lu, F. Rohrer, Y. Zhang, and S.S. Brown, A broadband cavity enhanced absorption spectrometer for aircraft measurements of glyoxal, methylglyoxal, nitrous acid, nitrogen dioxide, and water vapor, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, doi:10.5194/amt-9-423-2016, 2016.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 28-Aug-2024 16:45:47 MDT