University of Colorado CIRES Spheres Magazine: 2011 Air Edition
includes CSD research and highlights
Air pollution levels from Deepwater Horizon spill similar to large urban area
19 December 2011
3rd International Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting Research (IWAQFR)
29 November - 1 December 2011, Potomac, MD
CSD Scientists Give Presentations, Earn Awards at WCRP Climate Conference
8 November 2011
World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Open Science Conference - Climate Research in Service to Society
24-28 October 2011, Denver, CO
Both oral sessions and poster sessions were open for general abstract submissions. Karen Rosenlof (oral session B8), John Daniel (poster session C7), Graham Feingold (poster session C12) and David Fahey (poster session C35) were co-conveners, and encouraged CSD scientists to consider attending. There was also an associated Workshop on Regional Climate Issues in Developing Countries for early career scientists.
When Will We See the First Signs that the Antarctic Ozone Hole is Beginning Its Recovery?
7 October 2011
What's going into the air? Developing and evaluating new emissions scenarios for climate simulations
3 October 2011
NOAA Climate Variability and Change Science Challenge Workshop
20-22 September 2011, Boulder, CO
Study on emissions from Deepwater Horizon controlled burns in the Gulf
20 September 2011
Air pollution caused by ships plummets when vessels shift to cleaner, low-sulfur fuels
12 September 2011
Participation in DYNAMO experiment to better understand global climate
22 August 2011
2011 AMS Summer Community Meeting - Building a Stronger Weather and Climate Enterprise
8-11 August 2011, Boulder, CO
Gordon Research Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry
24-29 July 2011, West Dover, VT
Increase in particles high in Earth's atmosphere has offset some recent climate warming
21 July 2011
Chasing Contrails: Pinning Down Their Effect on Climate
14 July 2011
The Ups and Downs of Climate and Fine-Particle Pollution Across the U.S.
22 June 2011
Boulder Laboratories Postdoctoral Poster Symposium
22 June 2011, Boulder, CO
Postdoctoral Association of Colorado (PAC) - Future Leaders of Research Event
15 June 2011, Boulder, CO
Smoke-related chemical discovered in the atmosphere could have health implications
16 May 2011
CSD Scientists Earn CIRES Outstanding Performance Award for 2010 Gulf support
6 May 2011
Ryan Neely Receives AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award
14 April 2011
Paper on Aviation and Climate Change Earns Top Citation Honors
6 April 2011
Insights from Oil Spill Air Pollution Study Have Implications Beyond Gulf
11 March 2011
Scientists Using Erie Tower to Study Not-So-Dormant Wintertime Air Chemistry
1 March 2011
Ozone Layer's Future Linked Strongly to Changes in Climate
16 February 2011
Jim Churnside to Receive 2011 George W. Goddard Award
7 February 2011
Paper wins 2010 Alan Berman Research Publication Award at NRL
13 January 2011