Atmospheric Remote Sensing: Instruments

Airborne Excimer Ozone Differential Absorption Lidar (ABDIAL)

ABDIAL lidar instrument photo
ABDIAL installed on DC-3 aircraft


Introduction to Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) techniques.

Research applications include:

  • Airborne mapping of lower tropospheric ozone and aerosol distributions
  • Air pollutant plume and air mass dispersion studies
  • Ozone non-attainment studies

Basic parameters measured:

  • Ozone concentration profiles
  • Aerosol backscatter

Typical Specifications

Wavelengths277, 292, 313, 319, 360 nm
Pulse energy5 - 15 mJ / wavelength
Pulse rate20 Hz
ScanFixed, down-looking from an airborne platform
Resolution90 m (ozone)15 m (aerosol backscatter)
Minimum range0.7 km
Maximum range3.5 km
AccuracyLess than 10 ppbv typical
PlatformCasa 212 cargo aircraft
Laser TypeKrypton Fluoride with Raman shifting in H2 and D2
Receiver50 cm diameter Newtonian telescope (down-looking)
DetectorsHamamatsu R2055 and R2076 PMT's, gated
A-to-D convertersDSP 12-bit 5 MS/s (ozone), 10 MS/s

Field Projects

Project NameDateLocation
NEAQS 2004New England Air Quality Study 2004200406June - August 2004 New Hampshire
NEAQSNew England Air Quality Study200207July - August 2002 New Hampshire
TexAQSTexas Air Quality Study200008August - September 2000Houston, Texas
SOS 99Southern Oxidants Study 991999June - July 1999Tennessee Valley
SOSSouthern Oxidants Study1995July 1995Tennessee Valley


Alvarez II, R.J., R.M. Hardesty, C.J. Senff, D.D. Parrish, W.T. Luke, T.B. Watson, and P. H. Daum, Intercomparison between in situ and lidar measurements of ozone during the 1995 Southern Oxidants Study, AGU Fall Meeting, F96, San Francisco, California, 15-19 December 1996.