New fires are typically seen first on the GOES-16 (East; 75.2W) Satellite Imagery Slider from the Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch (RAMMB) / Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) at Colorado State University.
For the first official stats on a new fire (size, suppression or not), click on the appropriate region on the U.S. map from Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACC), then find the fires on a prominently displayed zoomable map. (National Fire Situational Awareness (NFSA) tends to give similar info all on one national, zoomable, topo map which is nice, but GACC will have contact phone numbers to call about the possibility of sampling.)
After a few days when a fire and it's management are well established, InciWeb often describes it in pretty good detail (except some California fires managed by Calfire).