Abbreviation | Name | Measurement | Contact |
ACOS | Airborne Carbonic Oxides and Sulfide Spectrometer | Carbonyl sulfide (OCS), CO, CO2, H20 | Drew Rollins Colin Gurganus |
CPMA * | Centrifugal Particle Mass Analyzer | Mass/charge of selected aerosol particles | Shuka Schwarz |
HD-SP2 | Humidified Dual Single Particle Soot Photometer | Refractory black carbon | Shuka Schwarz |
NightFOX | Nighttime Fire Observations eXperiment remote sensing payload | IR, fire radiative power (FRP) | Troy Thornberry Joey Taylor |
NO-LIF | Nitric Oxide Laser Induced Flouresence | Nitric oxide | Drew Rollins |
POPS | Portable Optical Particle Spectrometer | Particle size and number | Troy Thornberry |
SO2-LIF | Sulfur Dioxide Laser Induced Flourescence | Sulfur dioxide | Drew Rollins Pam Rickly |
SP2 | Single Particle Soot Photometer | Refractory black carbon | Shuka Schwarz |
Strat-CIMS | High altitude Chemical Ionization mass spectrometer | N2O5, HNO2, halogens, oxygenated organics | Drew Rollins Gordon Novak |
UASO3 | Unmanned Aircraft System Ozone Photometer | Ozone | Troy Thornberry |
Water | Tunable Diode Laser absorption spectrometer | Water vapor/total water | Troy Thornberry Drew Rollins |
WIBS | Wide Band Bioaerosol Sensor | Bioaerosol size, characterization | Shuka Schwarz |
* CSL has a Centrifugal Particle Mass Analyzer (CPMA), a device for selecting aerosol particles by their mass-to-charge ratio. The CPMA is available throughout the lab to help advance our science. Use the NOAA CSL CPMA Calendar to reserve the instrument.